Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Grand Supreme

So my mom and I became addicted to this show on TLC called Toddlers and Tiaras. This show is CRAZY! I mean little girls in bikinis with spray tans crazy. The whole point of the program is to show parents living there dreams through their kids by making them join beauty pageants.
Last night we were watching it and this lady was yelling at her granddaughter because she wasn't doing her routine right the 1st time. Her granddaughter hasn't competed in 8 months and she expects her to be perfect the 1st time! I just think its unnecessary. But hey what can I say, if your child is 3mothns old and you want to take advantage of her because she can't talk by putting her on a stage with A GRIP of make up on her face (which can irritate her skin), making her do a booty dance every week, and paying money to have people judge her JUST because you looked like a deformed fruit back then ha! so be it!

1 comment:

  1. Deformed fruit?! That's, harsh (and funny)--but not nearly as bad as potentially ruining little kids for life.
