Tuesday, January 24, 2012


One day my friend April was like Kimana you smell like cupcakes and from that day forward my nickname has been cupcake.

I was playing with the custom news search on Google and I wanted news on (you won't believe this) CUPCAKES! After i scrolled down and found this article on these cupcakes that were filled with booze. I was sitting there like "OH MY WORD MOM BEER FILLED CUPCAKES" So I guess D.C is famous for their cupcakes and their beer and the two major franchises combined their crafts and created "the Craft Beer-Infused Cupcake"
Thus, My amazing blog post. Thank you very much.
Photo by:Ana_Fuji


  1. So what were your mom's thoughts on the beer cupcakes?

    1. I think she was ignoring me because most of the things that come out of my mouth are strange, so when i talk she kind of just doesn't say anything and I am so busy blabbering that I don't notice. :)

      She is such a great mom!
