Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Some People Can CareLess About Their Relationships!

Nicki Minaj and Lil Wayne.....KISSING like serious tongue in front of her "boyfriend" and Lil Wayne supposedly has his own girlfriend. I don't even know what to think but EWWW!!! Lil Wayne looks so BUSTED and Nicki Minaj doesn't have a real bone in her body!!! I always had a feeling that Weezy and Nicki hooked up or something but i didn't think they were gonna be MACKIN full force on television let alone in public. On top of the fact that Nicki and weezy kissed they also tweeted about like it was nothing. You can't just make out with people and not have any feeling attached. they are gonna make some ugly babies I know that! It was bad enough that they're songs aren't as amazing as they used to be but this!.... This was a cry for help.
Photo by:eytonz and mathekr

Thursday, February 23, 2012


 On February 21, 2012 there was a prison riot in  Mexico.  In  the prison riot 44 gang members were massacred, 44 prisoners of the Gulf drug cartel were stabbed to death, and only 29,000 federal inmates are held at prison out of 47,000. Also 40 guards are being held of suspicion for helping  imprisoned Zeta members escape before the massacre. Zetas are also cartel members but they are important and powerful ones.

                                              photo by :miss_millions I think that all this riot was caused by the guards that helped the Zetas escape. This is a sad story because a lot of peoples love ones died. Also the guards should of done something about it like try to stop the riot instead of encouraging it. The guards are not doing there job right like there suppose to and should be punished for it. This event should not had happened.

Gas Prices Have Gone Through The Roof;DD

Just about a few weeks ago the gas prices have gone through the roof. Now its four dollars a gallon!! that is so expensive and now they are saying it may go up even higher. Some people are saying that this may affect the re-election for Obama. It also may affect the people who have no job and no money to pay for gas. The reason why the gas prices are so high is because they are trying to invent "new energy". Some analysts are estimating that every cent that increases $1.4 billion are draining from the economy. So a lot of republicans are fitting back because they don't think it is far. An I don't either because everybody doesn't have a job and not a lot of people make money. Some cars also need a lot of gas.


I was surfing the web again guys!!! Looking for news on my husbands, Tyler The Creator and Trey Songz, when I discovered that Earl Sweatshirt isn't in that weird facility for drug users anymore!
So the whole FREE EARL movement is over because Earl IS free. He already has a new song that leaked called Home and he has a twitter too he's lookin for followers so here it is: @earlxsweat. :) I can't wait until a new mix tape comes out!!! I 'll put it on my birthday wish list!
"Odd future came up from the bottom and its gonna take a couple armed armies to try and stop them," and Tyler The Creator couldn't have said it any better.

Odd future has a new mix tape called OF Tape Vol.2 and the have a new show coming out called Loiter Squad which is coming out on March 25th. They seem to be doing the most the show is probably going to be obnoxious.... I'M SO EXCITED! They have previews for it so you can check that out and I put a link too it so it should be easy.
Photo By:AK

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Students & Dining Hall Workers Turn on Pomona College Anti Immirgants Policy

In 17 dining hall workers from Pomona College recevied a letter. This leter said that if they didnt present documentation saying that they could work there legally they going to get fired. But Pomona College wasnt going tofire them because the ywere illegal or because they didn't have documentation, they were gonna fire them because about a year go they had started a Union. But Pomona College didnt want the union thing to happen so thats why they fired 17 dining hall workers. When some students and doners found out about this they said that, they weren't gonna donate money to Pomona College. They told Pomona College to make an account to the fired workers so they can have some money. The doners and the students are the ones who will give money to them. I found about this from a friend of mine whoplays soccer with me. His name is Christian Torres.

Getting Arresested for prosting for there job.

Interesting News

So a few days ago a police officers in Wisconsin received a call about a lady Who reported her trash missing. After police investigated they found that her trash had been taken by the garbage truck. Don't you think this is kinda weird? Who calls the police to report trash missing. It's just trash not a treasure.
Photo by: Ns newsflash

Wow ... That's All I Can Say

Nicki Minaj's Grammy performance was a cry for help. Its was horrible to watch and even worse to listen to. She left many Catholics offended that night. When she walked in with a fake Pope on her arm, and wearing a huge red cloak. I couldn't believe it !

When I seen her stage performance, I was left thinking "Wow, she needs Jesus!". Starting with an exorcism of her alter ego Roman Zelonski, then singing the chorus of "I Feel Pretty". She sings her song "Romans Holiday"(In a terrible British accent), with dancing monks, a choir, and a fake Pope.

At the end of her performance she is lifted into the air acting as if shes levitating, after her "exorcism" is complete. It left many people disappointed, many religious people outraged. I knew she was crazy but this ! This was a new low.

Photo By: Dimitri N.

Friday, February 17, 2012


So everyone I know thinks voodoo dolls are evil, demons, and scary (like my friend Terri). Well I don't think they're any of that I think they're the cutes thing ever. Most people are scared of them (like Terri), but not me I love voodoo dolls I used to own one well I still do. I keep my doll like a teddy bear except at night.

 Voodoo dolls are not "evil demons" like Terri says, they are cute. People think voodoo dolls are part of witch craft but if you ask me that just a bunch of bull. I think witch craft is another word for you are responsible for your own acts and the bad things you do. But don't get me wrong I do believe in all those witch craft things like contact with the devil, crazy mad people, and stuff like that, but I also believe in something bigger called God.

                                            photo by: Elasticcamel     
 So people voodoo dolls aren't evil they're just dolls that look evil to some people because to me they're cute like teddy bears.


Photo By:stoneysteiner
Hmmmm what can I say about Facebook, well it rocks but it kind of gets boring. Everybody is always on it though it is really addicting but its kind of turning into another twitter because everybody tweets about was going on every ten seconds its like really! But sometimes I do the same thing haha. Anyways Facebook should have dislike and a love button because some stuff is really ridiculous and it makes me want to dislike it but I can't because there is no dislike button! but sometimes I really love stuff and guess what!?! there isn't a button there that says LOVE! So sometimes when I get on Facebook I'm already frustrated so I just log off but like, I get back on like five minutes later.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Most people I know spend their days on the internet. Social sites have become very popular over the years. They are used for advertising, dating, and for people to just sit all all day at a computer posting random things.

Well in some cases it is very helpful. For example, some families are scattered out and the only way to keep in touch is through the internet. It is easier to find old friends, and family members you haven't seen in years or maybe at all!

Then there is the "bad" people as in rapist, killers, etc. Many stories on the news about kids being captured and raped or killed. Even adults kidnapping adults. Sad, BUT if the "victims" didn't put their number, location, address, anything that could leer in those horrible people then there would probably be less cases on kidnapping due to social networking.

You can prove how it is good or bad, but is it really worth the fight? In my opinion I would rather do something productive instead of wasting time debating about it.

Photo by: 10ch

Ice cream

Photo By: joana hard So today for some reason I'v been wanting to eat icecream even though it has been freezing outside lately.But not just any icecream STRAWBERRY icecream with of course,strawberries on the side.I know it's been cold lately and it is strange to want icecream on an cold day,but what can I do if that's what my stomach wants.

Pomona College Fires 17 Imigrant Workers

Have you guys heard of what Pomona College did on 12-1-11. Well they fired about 17 workers who worked in the kitchen as chefs and etc. Well they fired them because they were supposedlychecking for papers. I found out about this because of a friend of mine. Who worked as a cook in the Pomona College dining hall. This is what he said, “We were here for a very long time and there was never a complaint,” said Christian Torres, 25, a cook who had worked at the college for six years. “But now all of the sudden we were suspect, and they did not want us to work here anymore.” So as you see Pomona college just came up with this one out of no where one day. As i read in the a website thinkingprocees it says that about two years ago the workers had started a union and that the administration started looking into the workers legal papers and that they did this so the they could prevent the union from establishing.


Everybody is talking about social networking..."its brainwashing our children's minds," Its a great way to get to know people and widen your friendship circle," "there are too many rapist, pedophiles, stalkers, creeps etc." My personal opinion, based on experience with extremely bad decisions, is that social networking is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS and EXTREMELY HELPFUL.

There really are a lot of creeps that chase after innocent people but then again social networking isn't the reason why they started being like that. I think that social networking is just like wandering around your apartment complex, there are creeps and there are creeps on the internet. Instead of worrying about all the exposure you should be worrying about whether or not your next door neighbor is a sex offender. Just a thought.

Sometimes people need a little face book in their lives to pursue their careers. For example, if I decided that I wanted to be a rapper I would post videos to face book, you tube, and every other social network I could find because I know that famous people go on that crap and maybe they"ll see my video, love it, and BAM! my dream career as a rapper! :) happy days happy days.
All I'm saying is don't blame the website, blame the person who used the website too kill that kid or make someone's dreams come true.

Photo by:sajbrfem

Friday, February 10, 2012


Imagine waking up in the morning to a nice hot breakfast just waiting for you in the kitchen. Sounds lovely right? Well, eating breakfast is very important. It fills you up until it is time for lunch. Most of all it helps your brain! Not eating breakfast causes loss of focus in morning activities. Eating helps with your metabolism. Not eating through the night slows down your metabolism, making it even slower if you do not eat breakfast.

Skipping breakfast can cause you to be grouchy, setting your day of like that isn't good at all. If you don't eat then your setting yourself up to consuming not nutritious foods. For example if you eat a nice breakfast with al food groups then you might skip that brownie for a snack, but instead have an apple. When you skip your most likely to crave a hamburger with fries later on.

Now, a lot of people think not eating breakfast will help lose weight. Not eating throught the night slows down your metabolism, making it even slower if you do not eat breakfast. People who eat breakfast in the morning have better chances at losing weight then people who don't. For what you don't eat your body replaces with water weight, so your still gaining but not by food.

Most people are on the go and don't have much time to make a big breakfast. DO NOT grab a doughnut or something sugary on the way to work, thinking it will help you move quickly. Eating like this will cause a sugar rush for a couple hours, then later on making you feel tired and crave something with even MORE sugar. F.Y.I. too much sugar is not good for your body. Too much could cause diabetes.

Some of my healthy food choices in the morning are: whole grain cereal with milk and orange juice. If there is enough time, a plate of pancakes, eggs, fruit, and sausage.

Come on guys, don't starve yourself, just one little thing like an apple can bring you to a nice, happy, healthy day. (:

Photo by: c.a.muller

The Important Meal of the Day;DD

PhotoBy: c.a.muller
Everybody says that the important meal of the day is breakfast and I totally agree because it gives you energy through out the whole day. It also is the meal of the day because it sometimes includes eggs, pancakes, bacon and some juice or milk on the side and half those things build strong muscles and people say that milk is good for your eye sight but I don't agree because I'm still blind. Another reason why breakfast is the important meal of the day is because it gives you that extra bust to do the things you want to do and thats why sometimes I eat it for dinner.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hey guess whaaat!

Hey guys....Guess what!
I MADE A BLOG!!! its called The Butterfly Music King!! And its going to be amazing check it out. :)

Good Morning

Ahem!... Breakfast "the most important meal of the day," personally once I hit the 7th grade eating breakfast made me want to throw up. I'm not really sure why or how it happened but whenever I attempt to eat something in the morning my stomach starts making me feel all uncomfortable. Its like my stomach says I'm not allowed to eat breakfast until 10:00 on the dot anytime before then is just unheard of. There's probably something wrong with me but it sure sucks when Im in the middle of class and I can't do anything about the fact that I'M GRADUALLY DYING OF STARVATION !"
I guess it could be worse but if I could eat breakfast, with out wanting to throw up, I would. So, EAT BREAKFAST OR BE CONSTANTLY ATTACKED BY GIGANTIC DOLPHIN POLAR BEAR BABIES!!



Photo by :Ko:(char*)hook Personally I think breakfast is very a very healthy meal that everyone should be eating every morning. It gives you the energy to start your day off everyday. I would say eating a couple of eggs, toast, fruit, and some orange juice could be a good breakfast. But if running late everyday and you need something fast a cereal and some fruit could also be good for you every morning. So if you can I recommend eating breakfast every morning, it doesn't have to be a big meal but at least eat something.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

free post

The world's fastest fast of what I have heard is the Buggati. This car is way faster than the Ferrari, Lamborgini, Porsche, Camaro and skyline believe it or not. This car cost about 1.7 million dollares it use to cost $200,000. It has about 1001 horse power. It is very luxuroius and it's from Europe. It has 7 speeds and 900 pound feet of torque. It goes about 250 miles per hour. The creater use to be a race car driver so this is why he made it go so fast. Axion23

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech means that anyone could say anything as
long as there not hurting any other person. In the Novel Speak by Laurie
Halse Anderson, Mr. Neck Melinda the main characters history teacher has an
argument with Melinda’s History partner David Petrakis. The argument they have
is about that, MR .Neck says that Americans should get jobs first than the
foreigners that are coming to America
and working. He gives and example and it is that his sin didn't get a
firefighter job. But David Partakes says that he shouldn't be saying that
because some foreigners just come to work. But Mr. Neck gets angry. I think he
just gets angry because David Petrakis is right. HE proved that he was right. That’s
what I think that freedom of speech is.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


There is this dude his name is TYLER THE CREATOR I'm in love with him too. I think all his songs are amazing, unlike the crap you hear on the radio. Everyone thinks he's a devil worshiper but I think he just says that to scare people, and even if he was he doesn't go around screaming "you god worshipers," so who cares! If you don't like him because of that then DON'T LISTEN TO HIM. Anyways he makes these like really creepy songs about really creepy things but he is such an AMAZING rapper that it doesn't matter!!! If you've never heard great rapping before I would recommend TYLER THE CREATER OR OTHER MEMBERS OFF ODD FUTURE .

Free Earl :)
Photo by: mehan