Most people I know spend their days on the internet. Social sites have become very popular over the years. They are used for advertising, dating, and for people to just sit all all day at a computer posting random things.
Well in some cases it is very helpful. For example, some families are scattered out and the only way to keep in touch is through the internet. It is easier to find old friends, and family members you haven't seen in years or maybe at all!
Then there is the "bad" people as in rapist, killers, etc. Many stories on the news about kids being captured and raped or killed. Even adults kidnapping adults. Sad, BUT if the "victims" didn't put their number, location, address, anything that could leer in those horrible people then there would probably be less cases on kidnapping due to social networking.
You can prove how it is good or bad, but is it really worth the fight? In my opinion I would rather do something productive instead of wasting time debating about it.
Photo by: 10ch
Nice photo choice, by the way.