~The School?
Parents complain about how it is the schools fault for their daughter's pregnancy, because of how they educate students on sex. When my mom was in school, the school actually handed out birth-control and condoms, saying if they ever do have intercourse to be safe. Now I think since that school had a DAYCARE, they would know a thing or two about teen pregnancy. If schools are trying to educate teens on the effects of having intercourse, then isn't that helping them from making the right choice of not to do it at all?
Parents shouldn't blame the schools! Schools are actually helping, if they didn't educate them on the effects, warn them, or even pass out pregnancy prevention items, then those kids with raging hormones would have a more likely chance to have kids themselves.
~The Parents?
My Grandparents NEVER gave my mother "The Talk". You know that long talk about what could happen if you decided to have intercourse. They just avoided the whole situation all together! All they said was "Don't have sex". Well that helps, what do kids want to do when their parent says "No"? GO ON AND DO IT ANYWAY! When parents don't have a real conversation on the subject it's only leading them to go off and try anyway. My mother now shows me all these gross diseases that people could get if they have sexual relations. People blame the parents for not informing them what could happen if they even try once, but parents can also help by scaring them into not doing it.
~The Teen?
Now, here is the real person to blame. THE TEEN THEM SELF! They are the ones who physically had sex. It was their decision to try it or do it. Now, if the girl had gotten raped that is a different story, but we aren't discussing in this case. Well, teens could get pressured into doing it. So? Its called saying "No". Girls if your not ready, and he says he will leave you, then he doesn't love you. He loves your goodies. Teens make that one decision, no one is forcing them. The parent isn't making them, nor is the school. I mean think about it.
*Quick Message
Girls, if he says he loves you, but can't be your boyfriend because you wont give it up, He.Does.Not.Love.YOU. He loves your goodies. Make the right choice. It only takes once, and if you end up pregnant, that is 18 years of having fun, gone.
Wait Until Your Really Ready..
Photo By: lunar caustic
WHOOOOO! All they want is the GOODIEZ!!!! Real talk! Loving the post.