Friday, November 4, 2011

So obviously you guys have noticed how serious I am about music. Which means I am interested in many different kinds of music. Which leads me to a question that I have never really considered looking up: What genius created MY LIFE AND SOUL, which can also be narrowed down to who invented music or where did it come from.

Apparently no one invented it which is depressing but then again I can just go around saying I did since no one else wants to step up. Hey guys I invented music want to know where it came from? Good I thought you might.

Ok so I am taking no credit for inventing music because there is a lot of math involved and I am only in algebra one but music was originated by
R. O. Schmidt in 1979 as an improvement to Pisarenko's method. Pisarenko originally invented Pisarenko's harmonic decomposition also known as his method. It is a frequency method and because this isn't a history lesson I will stop talking about it now.

So R.O. Schmidt just improved Pisarenko's method, but its all basically the same. BTW(by the way) MUSIC stands for:
MUltiple SIgnal Classification. Isn't that crazy how something so enticing can have such an ugly name. Anyways besides all the research and math mathematical conclusions. Music is made up of sounds, people were born with ears, sounds are in everything you do even if your just breathing.Which leads us to the end of this post. Ladies and Gentlemen Music was invented by no man it is a variation of sounds that by opinion can be beautiful or sound like someone scratching a chalkboard. That's all for today folks.


  1. For some reason my picture aren't showing up sorry guys.

  2. Give it another shot. I didn't know any of that, by the way. Nice job. I guess music is one of those things that just..."is."

  3. I had to copy and paste it instead of using the URL for some reason. Its really weird like when I put the URL and click publish post it doesn't show up.
