Thursday, November 3, 2011

What?! I Didn't Know That!

I am very interested in hair and I know a lot about it, but I don't really pay attention on the damaging parts and would like to know more. Everyone does very damaging things to their hair everyday with out even knowing it.
I see girls love to have that huge voluminous hair, and its very pretty, BUT you girls are hurting your hair! As you backcomb *tease* your hair you brush it the opposite direction its growing(BAD), after you brush your hair out the cuticle will never go back to its original position gradually getting looser and looser then eventually falling out (yes, that means your hair falls out).
Over shampooing hair is bad also, try not to use a lathering product because it strips the hair making it dull and weak and cause split ends. Try shampooing at least 2 times a week, no more.
Heat and Chemicals also create split ends and weak hair but that is most expected so I'm not getting into much detail with that.
Just not these things, there are much, much more!
A Few Ways To Prevent Unhealthy Hair
  • Brushing Less: Brushing hair 100 times a day will give you flawless shiny hair FALSE this will only hurt it more. Try brushing less when your hair is damp or dry NOT wet. Avoid wide tooth combs, they tend to pull hair out.
  • Less Heat: Less heat=less split ends, it wont kill you to go with out your curling iron for a few days, heat only dries out the hair and causes it to split. try towel drying instead of blow dryers instead.
  • Good Nutrition: Food does matter in this case, having a poor diet is having poor unhappy hair, eating the right foods can help hair grow and stay in tact.
  • Avoid the Obvious: Hair dyes, Perms, Relaxers, etc.

1 comment:

  1. I used to bleach my hair. Probably one of the worst things I could have done,but I had a ton of hair. Losing some of it didn't kill me, but that stuff sure burned my scalp.
