Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Group work

Is group work good or bad? Group work can be seen as a positive thing to help or a negative but everyone has a different point of view about group work. Will group work always work or not? Depends on the situation well for my case it does. Will you get something good out of group work? Whether you make something good out of it and actually are fair. Personally I think that group work is good and helpful.

Reasons why group work could be good
Group work could be good because there is always an opportunity to meet new people. You also get to see their abilities to do different stuff and you could always learn from someone new a new ability. It could also be good because you get to split the work in equal parts so it will not be whole lots of work when you do a project. Therefore it's not so much home work or projects and you won't have to stress out. This are the positive ways you could look at group work.

Reasons why group work could be bad
Group work could be bad because there might be a situation where all of your members are lazy and effortless.Thefore that would mean more work for yourself and more effort has to be put in to it. It could also be bad because you might get chosen with the same person again and again that you might not like or not want in your group.  Inclusively the fact that the project might be big and is worth a lot of points and you don’t finish it thanks to your other teammates that would also stink. Lastly this group work thing might not always work for you because you might be used to working alone.

Conclusively this means that it’s whether up to you if group work works for you or not. Or it could be up to you wheteher to make your group work fun or not. Just remember all you do is do the right thing to make group work actually work.

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