Friday, May 18, 2012

Group Work -.-

Photo by: AlyssaDreadful
     I absolutely hate group work! I'm more of a let me do it myself kind of person. Teachers think that group work is the best thing ever, but they have no idea how stressful it is! I know it might help with our social skills or something but come on not everyone is like a Wonder Pet !Well, I think its really my fault, I don't really like to interact with people. There are SOME good things about group work. If the project is huge then it would help to have an extra hand around to help, so you don't spread yourself too thin. Also you have other minds to throw out ideas that maybe you would have never even thought of. Other than that I can't stand it... And here is why:

    I can't stand slackers ! Do NOT ask to be my partner if you wont do a thing to help. Slackers seem to just sit back and let the other person do the work. Yes, they ask if i need help but when I need something their most likely unprepared. Remember this is BOTH of our grade and if I get anything lower than my standards I'm come for YOU. Also, these people get the same grade/credit, even if they didn't even touch on the situation. I know this shouldn't tick me off as much as it does but I worked my soul off getting stuff done and you just sit there. If your thinking you get a free ride to an A, don't be surprise when I leave to do my own thing.

    I love working ALONE! I know what I want/need for anything thats thrown at me. Instead of dealing with othe opinions like "Oh i dont like that" or "Umm.... Thats cool I guess...". NO ! I'm too creative for that, my mind is like a dreamland of greatness, if someone puts down that greatness with something bland I FREAK ! Plus many times I have a project with group workers I'm working my butt off for perfection, and if it's not perfect i just say "Do what you want, I tried, I'm done". After I say that the "slackers" go crazy and end up asking for help in the end. So if I'm going to do the work, might as well make my own project.

    Some may say that group work could help with "social skills" but honestly if not everyone is helping then it's not really a GROUP project. Like Batman I'd rather work alone, and I'll call Robin IF I need help.

1 comment:

  1. Alright first of all, I want to say hi best friend! But secondly, I wanna say I totally agree with you on NO GROUP WORK and how stressful it is!!(:
