Thursday, November 29, 2012

Romeo Killed Everyone!!

In William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is responsible for just about everyone’s death. If it hadn't been for him then 8 people including Romeo wouldn't have died. You might be saying to yourself, “That’s kind of harsh,” well that’s where you’re wrong! Romeo, throughout the whole play, let his emotions get the best of him which is the main reason why a lot of people died. If Romeo would have just thought logically before acting then none of this would have happened.
The play starts off with Romeo being extremely depressed about some girl that doesn't love him. As the play progresses one of Romeo’s friends suggests that they should attend this party that every single one of their enemies are going to be at, otherwise known as mistake number one! They arrive at the get-together wearing masks. This was supposed to hide their identities, apparently it was logical back then to cover your face and enter the gathering place of people who hate you. In the middle of the party Romeo spots Juliet and decides that he loves her. Romeo, completely forgetting about the other girl, proceeds to talk Juliet into kissing him. Then Juliet goes home and talks to herself about how deeply she’s in love with Romeo whom she met merely a few hours before then. Romeo just so happened to be underneath Juliet’s balcony and heard everything she said. So logically he hops out the bushes that he wasn't hiding behind and basically says “Hey I love you too!!” So Juliet, not wanting anyone to think that she’s promiscuous, decides that the best thing to do is get married. So Romeo and Juliet, despite their family’s feud, make wedding plans because they are just so in love! The rest of the play consists of: Romeo killing Juliet’s cousin, Romeo being banned from the city,

Juliet pretending to kill herself, Romeo killing her other fiancĂ©,  Romeo thinking she’s dead and killing himself, her waking up and actually killing herself, and last but not least his mother dying of a broken heart. The people that didn't die realized that the family feud was stupid and ended it after a large quantity of the main characters died.
Obviously Romeo is to blame for the deaths of 8 people. If there was an award for the most deaths within a short period of time he would get 1st place. He was better off moping around his room in the dark instead of going out and putting people’s lives and social statuses at risk. Of course he didn't do it all by himself Juliet took part in the nonsense as well, but Romeo is the one who got the ball rolling. If he hadn't of let his emotions get the best of him then he would've realized how ignorant it was of him to marry someone he’d only known for a few hours. This and many other reasons are why Romeo is responsible for those 8 peoples’ death.
P.s. I wrote this so that my teacher can see how I'm doing in high school!!! 

Monday, June 4, 2012

How to survive with 4 siblings

Everybody just stop talking! Well you might be wondering why exactly I would be screaming and towards who you might ask. Very easy answer I have had to live with four siblings for the past 7 years since my smallest brother was born with him it became four siblings. You have two little brothers fighting 1 asking for HW help and another older brother asking for an opinion on his presentation. For this you will need 5 basic steps to survive living with them.

Patience would have to be the most important thing ever you would need to survive with four siblings. Patience is essential for when you have four siblings, and you are the only sister. It is also good to have patience because without it you would probably give up easily on handling four siblings and you will most likely stress out too much. It actually has been of great benefit to have patience since three of my brothers are smaller than me. Therefore I have learned how to survive with them and patience is important.

Learn when to ignore them
It might be obvious when to ignore your siblings but,sometimes you need to know if it is right to ignore them of what they are doing. What I mean is that if they are doing something bad and it could make someone come out crying then don't ignore them then do something about it. Otherwise if they are not in risk of getting hurt then you could ignore them. Just remember that when you ignore your older brother in giving him your opinion about his presentation or essay its better to just listen. Although it may be boring you will have an opportunity of asking for help next time and if he doesn't want to help you than just use what he made you do against him. This is why you need to learn when to ignore them I've learned and have experienced throughout the time.

Be understanding
Make sure to always try to  understand your brothers but not always. For example if your little brother wants candy and he already ate one then make sure you tell him kindly that he already had  one and other people want some candy also. Although your all your siblings beg you and do little nice and innocent faces you need to learn to be undarstanding and just split whatever you have into equal pieces. You also need to understand that if you have to give candy to two of your brothers and one of them is a little older than the other one than make sure you give the smallest one first. Otherwise you might get in trouble with your parents that's if your little brothers snitch on you.

Intellegence is important to have when ever you have 4 siblings and 3 of them are smaller than you. You need to be intelligent to be able to trick them and make them fall into your jokes. You might also want to have intelligence when your older sibling is a nerd. This would be so you could defend yourself from whenever your brother talks to you nerdy mean stuff. Remember intelligence is always good to have.

Superior Intellect 
You always need to make sure you have a superior intellect. It could help you for when you want to prank one of your siblings. That way you will always have the perfect plan to succeed with anything you want towards your brothers. Lastly always try to be your best towards brothers but not always.

In conclusion just remember you will always have your ups and downs with your siblings. Also remember kids are kids so they won't always do what you want. Therefore you will always need superior intellect, intelligence, understanding, ignorancebut, best of all the most important thing is patience.     

Friday, June 1, 2012

How To Survive Being A Mixed Kid

Welcome to the world of being an interracial child, with your pretty hair, tan skin, and blue eyes. Well that description doesn't apply to all mixed people but it will do. Get ready for questions, touching, and awkward remarks. You will now step into a life that mono-race earthlings don't know about....

Learn To Love The Racial Remarks 

Photo By: ~odhessa
Everyone has them, GET USED TO THEM! You can't get offended by what someone says about your race/culture, each person is different and they handle things differently, but seriously come on its just words they wont hurt you. For example, I am a mixed person, I have been called EVERYTHING from the "N word" to "cracker", Those childish words don't physically hurt me, so the way to deal with those racial words is to just brush it off and say "whatever". Trust me life would be so much easier if you learn to EMBRACE THE MEAN WORDS.

Be Yourself

No matter what your mixed with don't let the other race dominate your whole being, remember it is just a color not a lifestyle. For example if you don't like being who you are then well I'm sorry you have to learn how to live with it! Whatever you friends say don't mind them, like if you dress "white" and your mixed with black don't be let down if your friend says, "Oh why do you dress like that your black". STEREOTYPING, it sucks to deal with but if you think about it you have the best of many worlds, so you could pull off most of anything without comments.....most of the time. Just remember your inner self, down let a nationality ruin that.

Don't Be Conceited 

MIxed raced children are known for their pretty features. Like hair for example, if you have beautiful locks don't be surprised if someone you don't know touches them or comments on them. When you get these comments don;t be rude, just politely say thank you. Now let's twist this, if someone is looking at you "funny" don't just assume its because your pretty/handsome. Just brush it off like it never happened , because seriously compliments could be taken to the head and then well, your known as that person who's into themselves.

Remember Your A Human Being

Don't put other people down because of there skin color, and remember if your mixed with who your putting down think of it as you putting down your family. We all have our moments but I see this alot, where a mixed child doesn't like a certain race and they put them down, but when you ask them they say "Well I can because I am (insert nationality here)". No no no no NO, it doesn't matter we are ALL HUMAN....  If we treat each other wrong and come up with that stupid excuse then the world would be discriminating everyone and say "Oh well I'm Human".

Have Fun

Look you have MANY cultures to choose from! Learn about them, all of them. It never hurts typing in a few words, or picking up and reading a few books. Sometimes we don't have our past relatives there to tell us stories so we have to find out. Think about it maybe you could dress up as them or tell your kids about your family history, and the cool thing is you'll have many different countries to talk about.

Its pretty cool to have different cultures in the family. One day I want to travel across the world to see and learn about where my family was from, and you can too! Life is too short to waste with silly remarksm and being mad over little things, be positive, have fun. This our world, welcome to your part.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

How To Survive Crossing the Border


To survive jumping the border is doing the following. Pacing your self with water watch out for the helicopters, watch out for the border control you have to pace yourself with water, and try not to get caught.

Step 1: Pace your self with water.

You have to pace your self with water when your crossing the border. Because you walk for a long time and your in the desert. Also if you run out of water your pretty much going to dehydrate. Another thing is that you don't drink the water just to drink it. Because you have to make it last. If your thirsty you have to just drink a little bit.

Step 2: You always have to watch out for the helicopters

You have to watch out for the helicopters because if they spot you then your going to get cuaght. Also if you see 1 you have to hide in the bushes or trees or plants.  Another thing is that if have to warn others if you hear one. Also if have to hide until you don't see it or hear it nearby. For example you hide behind a bush or something right away.

Step 3: Immigration or Border Control

You have to watch out for the border control.  For example  they might be on quuads, trucks,  or on foot. If you see one you either have to hide or run. But most of the time you have to run. Because if you hide its more of a chance there going to find you.  If your going to run you better run like you never ran before  because if you get caught they will send you back to the country your from.

Step 4: Pacing Your Self with Food

You have to pace your self with food because you have to have energy. Also you have to make your food last until your in the United States. Or until you go to a safe house. another thing is that you cant last more days than you thought you were gonna last. So you have to take care of your food. You have to eat because you need energy to be walking all those in the hills.

Step 5; Don't Get Caught
Try not to get caught because if you do you have to go to the immigration system. When you do that the immigration people take like if you were in jail. They check your record to see if you've tried to cross the border illegally before. Next they will to take you back to your country. and next they tell you that you can't go into the United States for a certain amount of years.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How To Survive: Junior High;)

Well surviving junior high is pretty hard. Being in junior high is like paddling in the ocean non-stop for over an hour!basically its tiring. It also makes you want to pull your hair out sometimes.

This is probably how some people feel while at junior high.
Nice Clothes and Shoes
The first step to surviving junior high is having nice clothes, shoes and awesome hair. A reason why its good to have those three things is because there are some really mean people at juniors highs who will talk about you if you come to school looking not so good. Some people I know will say stuff like "You look like a hobo" or "did you find those clothes in the dumpster". They just say some stupid stuff that doesn't really need to be said like that person could be going through something and your sitting up there making fun of them like really.

Awesome Personality
The second step to surviving junior high is that you should come to school with an awesome personality. A reason being is because if you come to school with a horrible attitude no body is going to want to hang out with and then you will have no friends and be a loner, well in less you find some people who are just like you. Its also good to have an awesome personality because you will probably have a lot of friends who will have your back and be there through thick or thin. And with that personality you will probably not be in that much drama, well in less there are people jealous of you.

Have A Lot of Good Friends
The third step to surviving junior high is if you have a lot of good friends to back you up if your in drama or something. Another reason why its good to have a lot of friends is because if your an only child, like me, you can always have your friends over if you get bored or something. Its also good to have them around if you need to get out of trouble or if you get blamed for something you did at school. A last reason why its good to have a lot of good friends is because they can give you some good advice if, well if you need it.

The fourth reason is stay out of drama! Just whatever you do just stay out of it. Its kind of like being in a mafia because once your in it you lose almost everything like your friends and sometimes your business gets out there. Its also hard to get out of it because like everywhere you go its right behind you, stocking you like prey and ready to pounce on you like a cheetah! But the worst part about being in drama is when you lose your close friends because now who do you have to tell your secrets to, to goof around with and to be yourself around, NO ONE! and you do not want that because then you start to feel guilty and so does other person but sometimes that person still doesn't want to be friends with you, which is all bad because they know everything about you, all your secrets even the bad ones!

Don't Tell Your Business to Everyone
The final step to surviving junior high is don't tell your business to everyone. Sometimes you shouldn't even tell your best friend because if you guys get in an argument and your friend has a huge grudge towards you, then she/he may tell everybody your business and you don't want that. Some people may even switch your little secret around so you look bad and then everybody is probably not going to want nothing to do with you, which is all bad. Thats why you should sometimes keep your mouth zipped, especially if its something nasty or weird. Another thing is if someone tells you their business and then later on you guys get in argument, be the bigger person and don't tell their business to everyone even if they may have done that to, well in less your the kind of person who seeks revenge>:).

As you can see going to junior high is tiring, just like paddling in the ocean. But if you follow these five steps then I'm sure you can stop paddling and just float and let the ocean take you to safety...maybe.

How to survive: Tutoring Little Kids

Tutoring little kids IS difficult, especially when you don't like them!

I used to go over to the elementary school and tutor the 1st and 2nd graders and it. was. HORRIBLE. If you thought I hated little kids before you wouldn't even understand how I feel about them now. But even though I can't stand small people, I know make sure they don't know. Thus making me an expert on Tutoring Little Kids! Follow these 5 rules:

Rule #1: Be nice. If you're nice to them then they trust you. This one little boy that sat at my table used to act so nice to me. Why? because he trusted me. It turns out he trusted me so much he decided that he could say WHATEVER he wanted. Its up to you to imagine how that went.

Rule #2: Don't where clothing with words on it. Especially inappropriate ones because they WILL want to know what it is. I have this one shirt from odd future and all the little kids were like " TEACHER WHAT DOES THAT SAAAAY?" I hate being called teacher. Stupid little kids.

Rule #3: DO NOT SAY I DON'T KNOW IF YOU DON'T KNOW THEN YOU BETTER GO FIND OUT CAUSE THEY WILL NOT LET IT GO!!!! When I was little I used to keep on asking why. I think we all did . Anyways I used to ask why something was something else and if my mom didn't know then I wanted to know why she didn't know. If I asked my dad something he knew the answer. He ALWAYS knew the answer, and to this day I don't ask him anything because I don't want him to ramble.

Rule #4: Give them little candies or . It makes them feel good about themselves. I swear If you tell a little something bad about themselves they will grow up hate you and do it to other people. AND I'm sure you don't want to be 56 years old and have some random dude trying to kill you because you told him his socks were ugly!

Rule #5: Don't bore them. Make the things that come out of mouth sound COOL AND AMAZING! For example, HEY BOYS AND GIRLS ARE YOU READY TO LEARN!!!! I'm sure that would sound amazing if I was like 6. I tried it to most of the time it works but other times you get those kids who think they're above everybody else and then they say stuff like, "you're lame Mr. teacher man!" Those kids you have to go the extra mile and do step #4 but with better prizes like large candy bars.

This one teacher told me I was really good with kids and I just looked at her laughed and said I hate them. Not because they don't know that y=mx+b but because once little kids turn 5 they start to develop a personality. I'm not saying personality is bad but IT SURE IS ANNOYING! But hey if you like little kids then by all means TUTOR AWAY! And if you don't then stay away from them because they're evil and I would know I used to growl.
Photo by: Rosh PR

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Surviving Parents Argument "!!!!!

       How to survive when your parents are in a argument and you're in the middle of it.    
 -The first step is NEVER agree with one of them.
Agreeing with one of your parents over the other one is the worst thing to do. You should not do this or you will hurt your parents feelings. Also by just agreeing with one of them will get you on their bad side. Your parents will give you that EVIL look.
   - Second DO NOT pick side!!!
If you pick side you are going to make one parent look superior then the other one, and it's going to start more chaos. This one is basically like rule one but more specific.
- Third and most important step don't EVER TALK/ give YOUR OPINION
By giving your opinion is going to become in to a life lesson to you. If your parent asks for "what you think" just stay quite and they will just keep talking. If you tell them "what you think" they will yell at you and give you a speech on how they are right.
 So best way to survive your parents argument without getting yelled at and almost killed is to STAY OUT OF IT!!!