Tutoring little kids IS difficult, especially when you don't like them!
I used to go over to the elementary school and tutor the 1st and 2nd graders and it. was. HORRIBLE. If you thought I hated little kids before you wouldn't even understand how I feel about them now. But even though I can't stand small people, I know make sure they don't know. Thus making me an expert on Tutoring Little Kids! Follow these 5 rules:
Rule #1: Be nice. If you're nice to them then they trust you. This one little boy that sat at my table used to act so nice to me. Why? because he trusted me. It turns out he trusted me so much he decided that he could say WHATEVER he wanted. Its up to you to imagine how that went.
Rule #2: Don't where clothing with words on it. Especially inappropriate ones because they WILL want to know what it is. I have this one shirt from odd future and all the little kids were like " TEACHER WHAT DOES THAT SAAAAY?" I hate being called teacher. Stupid little kids.
Rule #3: DO NOT SAY I DON'T KNOW IF YOU DON'T KNOW THEN YOU BETTER GO FIND OUT CAUSE THEY WILL NOT LET IT GO!!!! When I was little I used to keep on asking why. I think we all did . Anyways I used to ask why something was something else and if my mom didn't know then I wanted to know why she didn't know. If I asked my dad something he knew the answer. He ALWAYS knew the answer, and to this day I don't ask him anything because I don't want him to ramble.
Rule #4: Give them little candies or . It makes them feel good about themselves. I swear If you tell a little something bad about themselves they will grow up hate you and do it to other people. AND I'm sure you don't want to be 56 years old and have some random dude trying to kill you because you told him his socks were ugly!
Rule #5: Don't bore them. Make the things that come out of mouth sound COOL AND AMAZING! For example, HEY BOYS AND GIRLS ARE YOU READY TO LEARN!!!! I'm sure that would sound amazing if I was like 6. I tried it to most of the time it works but other times you get those kids who think they're above everybody else and then they say stuff like, "you're lame Mr. teacher man!" Those kids you have to go the extra mile and do step #4 but with better prizes like large candy bars.
This one teacher told me I was really good with kids and I just looked at her laughed and said I hate them. Not because they don't know that y=mx+b but because once little kids turn 5 they start to develop a personality. I'm not saying personality is bad but IT SURE IS ANNOYING! But hey if you like little kids then by all means TUTOR AWAY! And if you don't then stay away from them because they're evil and I would know I used to growl.
Photo by: Rosh PR
Very fascinating kimana. Little kids are annoying, they make me want to bash my head against a wall. I just hope I wasn't like that when I was younger.
ReplyDeleteI like your post and it is so true. But little kids are awesome I just wouldn't tutor them especially the ones at the elementary across from us they are sooo bad and very annoying.