Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Right Drinking Age?

In this world some people are debating about the right drinking age. Some people think the right age for drinking is 21. These people say that by making the drinking age 21 and up more life's would be saved. They also think lowering the drinking age would be a waste of time and money. Others in fact, believe the drinking age should be lowered as long as 18 year old have a permit. They also believe that if they lower the drinking age, they should teach 18 year old not to abuse alcohol.

My opinion about all this is, that the drinking age should be lowered to 18. One of the reasons I believe this, is because rising the drinking age would get more kids in trouble. My point is that since kids that are 18 are not allow to buy beer or alcohol they are sometimes tempted to steel it, and this is bad for the stores to because when someone steels something they loss money. Another reason is like this article said since 18 year old are allowed to join the army they might as well be able to buy beer at the same age .     

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