Monday, May 14, 2012

Drinking age

Everywhere you go there are many different opinions about whether to keep the drinking age the same or lowering it to 18. Many people believe the drinking age should stay at age 21. Why increase alcohol consumption by youth? There is other people who want to lower the drinking age to 18. So why would they want to risk more teens lives. I believe the drinking age should stay at 21.

My first reason they drinking age should stay at 21 is because there shouldn't be any reason not to save 800 lives a year. There have been researchers showing rates and statistics about alcohol. for example....''back in the 1790s, a number of states lowered the drinking age from 21 to 18, and we saw an increase in alcohol consumption by youth. When it was raised again in1984 back to 21,we saw lower consumption of alcohol, and we've kept those lower rates.

My second reason why I believe we should keep the drinking age to 21 is because there has been more research that show that it is bad to lower the drinking age to 18. "The research shows that if a youth starts drinking alcohol before age 14, their chances of becoming addicted or having an alcohol -related crash or getting into a fight increases....” There are also more probabilities of a younger teen to be drinking alcohol. "A 16 year old or a 14 -year old doesn't look 21, but they may look 18." This is my second reason why I disagree with lowering the drinking age to 18.

I think that there are some dumb arguments in the side of why we should lower it to 18. For example "...The person could drink with permission of the parent or in the parents home....” I mean please what kind of teenager would ask for permission to their parents to drink alcohol or to get drunk. I disagree with lowering the drinking age to 18 because there really isn't enough good arguments on why to lower the drinking age to 18. My opinion is that if you were to know teens they are all not really good kids you could always trust  and less trust you should have when talking about alcohol. Therefore I disagree with lowering the drinking age to 18 and I want it to stay at 21.

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