The thing that I find disturbing is STALKERS. I find them disturbing because they just love to stock people and its weird. Like who decides to just peek threw somebody's window or like follow them everywhere they go like really!!come on now you can be doing something else instead of wasting your time stalking somebody you most likely won't get with you.
Its also weird when the person who is stalking you can be your own family member or friend and you don't even know it until you catch them peeking threw your window. Its also weird that stalkers only stalk one person most of the time like if I was a stalker I would like stalk like three people at least so I won't get bored stalking the same person.
Its also disturbing when stalkers are like super old. For example like when you hear on the news that there was a stalker who was like 50-60 years old stalking a like 12 year old little girl or little boy. Like once again who does that!?! I swear people these days but whatever is there life.
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