Friday, May 11, 2012

Group Work


Group work is good but bad at  the same time. Because it depends who you pick to be your group. If you pick the right people it will come out to be a good job on your project. But if you put it will not be good.

For example I kind of like it but not really. Most of the groups I've been in have been pretty good. Because I like to be in groups with people that are hardworking and not lazy. If all the people are hard working you can split the project equally. Or else you can go to one of the group members house and do it there. Another thing group members can do is stay after school and do it after school. But if your group members are lazy then its going to be bad. If your group members are lazy your going to end up having to do 75% or of the work. Also you will get frustrated of the other group members not doing the work and might end up breaking up the group.  But I like group work because you don't have to do the whole project by yourself if you have good group members.

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