Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Jews "Taking Over World"

Photo By:EnglishAnswerMan
In this picture there is a big octapus that looks like it is trying to take over the world. It looks pretty dumbfounded it also has a big droopy nose and its huge and fat. It also looks like it is squirting out ink to poison the world. It has a huge David Star hanging over his head, so who can know that it is most likely a Jew.

The message that the artist is trying to send is that Jews are dangerous people who should be blamed for everything. An that they are poisoning the world with all the stuff they do which is ridiculous because they don't do anything to anybody. The artist of this picture is also trying to show the reader that this should make them angry because the artist is making it seem like the Jews are hideous ugly despiteful people which there not. I know this because I have some friends who are Jewish and there like super nice and sweet.

One of the propaganda techniques that artists have been using in the pictures are repetition. They keep sending messages to the reader that are making the reader think that Jews are mean people. Like in this picture the reader is sensing that the Jews are mean horrible people who just want to take over the world.

And the second propaganda that artist use in the pictures are make it big. They make the situation bigger than what it is suppose to be. For example in the picture with the Jew whipping people is a lie because one Jew can't just grow that big and take over the world. And Jews don't have hair shaped like horns growing from there forehead like really!?!

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