Monday, May 14, 2012

GROUP WORK !!!!?? :D

Group work good or bad? So, is working in groups good or bad for student? I think is somehow good and bad. First of all I think working in groups is good because, it gives kids a chance to get to know each other. I also think group work is good for kids that aren't that social because it makes them more social and less shy. Group work has been okay for me, I get ideas from my partners and we work things out. If you work in groups it could be easier to come up with new things. Sometimes people have more imagination and are more creative then other people and that's why is good to work in groups.

Now the bad things about group work is that if you get a lazy partner you're going to have to do all the work. People don't always think the same or like different things and this is bad when you're working in groups. Also some people are very bossy and mean and I would hate being in a group with someone like that. What also sucks about group work is that there are some people that hate humanity and dislike working with strangers. When people think they are better then others or dislike their partners makes other people feel bad and not want to do group works.

So that is what I think about group work is bad but good at times, it all just depends and for cocky people stop being rude, and if you are going to be in a group make the best of it don't b mean okay bye.

photo by: me

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