Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Holocaust Propaganda

In the German children's book, The Poisonous Mushroom, they are using propaganda throughout the WHOLE THING! The book is mainly about Jews being bad people and how non-Jews should stay away from them because they killed Jesus. Now the whole point of the book is to make people fear Jews and want to get rid of them, just like Hitler did. Which is good for Hitler because that means his plan to use propaganda was working. One particular story that we went over in class was called, The Poisonous Mushroom. ( I know right, the name is totally off the wall!) Anyways, The story is about this little boy how he was taking a walk with his mom and she was telling him how Jews are Jesus killing two-faced big nosed devils.

Main propaganda technique: using some truth
Of course in order for it to be proper propaganda, see what I did there ;), only part of it is true: some Jews did have big noses but it wasn't all of them. Also the part about the Jesus killing thing was partially true.

Other propaganda technique: Fear
The mother tells her kid that the Jews only pretend to be nice, to know that people are capable of being the devil but act nice is SCARY. She is definitely not getting Mom of the Year! And if I knew that my next door neighbor killed Jesus I'd be pretty freaked out but I guess that's just something you told your children back then. Who am I to argue peoples' child raising methods? I don't even HAVE kids!!

Anyways that's how Hitler used children's books to brainwash kids' minds back then during the holocaust. TTFN, Ta Ta For Now(Tigger voice)
p.s. I would have gotten you guys a picture but this ignorant computer won't let me use the letter "S" in the search box sorry..... :0

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