Wednesday, May 9, 2012


     Drinking age, should it stay at 21 or lowered to 18 if they have a permit ? Debate about this issue has been going on lately for some time now. One side believes we should keep it at 21, and the other believe to lower it. I believe we should keep it at 21. Its worked for all these years... Why change it ?

Photo by : illmindofernest
     The cause is trying to PREVENT underage drinking. Hear me out but how is LOWERING the age going to prevent UNDERAGE drinking. aren't we trying to not have kids consume alcohol? Now if they do lower it to 18 then the person would need a permit and education on "safe drinking". ANYONE could get educated on safe drinking, even a 5 year old. Knowing people these days, the possibly of that plan working is very slim, I mean if DARE doesn't work, whats the chance of this working too? Plus its a waste of time and money. Who wants to spend a chunk of time just to learn about drinking? I WOULDN'T. Its going to take some money for the classes and the permit ! By the time you get to the store to by you a $6-10 pack of beer you'll be broke ! In my eyes no DRINK is worth all of the hassle.

     "Raising the drinking age to 21 has saved about 800 lives a year" ! 10 years from now that would be 8,000 lives. If we lowered the drinking age, 8,000 live might be taken or greatly effected in a negative way. Ever since they raised the age binge drinking among younger kids had decreased. If we lower it then that percentage is just going to shoot back up. Also most teens under 18 look 18, all they need to do is get that permit and then they'll be drinking too, or an 18 year old friend can get them some. Now if these younger teens start drinking alcohol, their chances of getting addicted, getting into a car crash, or getting into fights INCREASE ! That is BAD ! By lowering the age your actually increasing the chance of a kid dying or getting severely injured.

     I Like the whole getting educated on safe drinking idea, BUT we shouldn't lower the age. Think about how many lives could be in danger, especially with more people on the road drunk. If you want to prevent under age drinking then lowering the age is definitely not the answer.

Source Used: LA TIMES

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