Ahh yes, try to picture a young girl. She's at a little get together with her friends and if you listen closely you can hear them.... But what is it that they are telling her?...... ch-chu-chug"? CHUG! That’s it! Her "friends" are encouraging her to consume a giant bottle of Vodka!! *sigh* How delightful don't you think? OF COURSE NOT!!!!!! Drinking before your 21 is one of the stupidest things you could make legal in this country! So why are people trying to lower the drinking age?
According to this article on the issue its because it doesn't harm young people "intellectually or behaviorally" That doesn't justify the fact that drinking, no matter how old, can mess up your liver! So yeah lets all just give our teenagers booze, kidney problems, and while were at it rat poisoning in a Bob the Builder sippy cup!!!
In all seriousness I feel like lowering the drinking age is, well, stupid. We all know that teens drink; just because drinking is illegal doesn't mean they are going to stop. It means that it'll be harder for them to get drunk because there is only a limited amount of people willing to break the law for an 18 year old.
So even though they're going to drink, it won't be as much compared to the amount of drinking they would be doing if it were legal. Its not gonna kill anyone to leave the drinking age alone, but once it gets lowered about 800 people will die every year because of drunk idiots! I mean really what is lowering the drinking age really going to do for America but cause accidents? From my perspective, it’s like telling a bunch of 18 year olds that it’s legal to shoot each other in the dark.
Photo By: looseandfastwithlanguage
This reminds me of a funny story. A friend of my brother's went to a party armed with a huge bottle of vodka (except it wasn't vodka--it was filled to the brim with water). I guess he was trying to prove a point regarding how stupid college students can be. Anyway, he gulped down that entire bottle in front of everyone, and they thought he was the coolest thing they had ever seen. If it really would have been vodka, he easily could have been among the number of people who die from alcohol poisoning each year. The fact that everyone was cheering him on illustrates how stupid people can be, and it really makes me question the wisdom of lowering the drinking age. Then again, stuff like this will happen all the time, with or without the legal age changing. No easy answer, I guess.