There is a debate going on if the drinking age should be lowered to 18 or stay at 21, like why lower it if its working? The people who think that it should be lowered to 18 are arguing that if you learn about alcohol and get a permit you will have the privilege to drink. But the other side says that leaving it at 21 is great because it saves about 800 lives per year. So thats I believe that the drinking age should stay at 21.
My first reason why I believe it should stay at 21 is because there has been less car accidents that had to deal with drinking. An by bringing the age up to 21 800 lives per year have been saved. Binge drinking has also lowered down in 8th-12th graders. In the 70's most states lowered the age of drinking to18 an there was an increase alcohol consumption. But then in the 80's they brought the drinking age back up to 21 and now there are lower alcohol consumptions.
My second reason why keeping the drinking age at 21 is because if we were to lower the drinking age back to 18 again more kids would have an advantage to get alcohol in there system. A reason why they would have an advantage is because a 14 year old or a 16 year old can get away with looking like a 18 year old but they wouldn't be able to get away as a 21 year old. Another reason why I don't think its a good idea to lower the drinking age to 18 is because once a 17 year old turns 18 they will won't to go crazy and party like a so called rockstar which leads them into getting super drunk and they may get in a fight or do something they will regret the next morning.
As you can see lowering the drinking age to 18 doesn't do NO JUSTICE TO THE USA. So why lower it when it does needs to be lowered.
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