Thursday, May 31, 2012

How To Survive Crossing the Border


To survive jumping the border is doing the following. Pacing your self with water watch out for the helicopters, watch out for the border control you have to pace yourself with water, and try not to get caught.

Step 1: Pace your self with water.

You have to pace your self with water when your crossing the border. Because you walk for a long time and your in the desert. Also if you run out of water your pretty much going to dehydrate. Another thing is that you don't drink the water just to drink it. Because you have to make it last. If your thirsty you have to just drink a little bit.

Step 2: You always have to watch out for the helicopters

You have to watch out for the helicopters because if they spot you then your going to get cuaght. Also if you see 1 you have to hide in the bushes or trees or plants.  Another thing is that if have to warn others if you hear one. Also if have to hide until you don't see it or hear it nearby. For example you hide behind a bush or something right away.

Step 3: Immigration or Border Control

You have to watch out for the border control.  For example  they might be on quuads, trucks,  or on foot. If you see one you either have to hide or run. But most of the time you have to run. Because if you hide its more of a chance there going to find you.  If your going to run you better run like you never ran before  because if you get caught they will send you back to the country your from.

Step 4: Pacing Your Self with Food

You have to pace your self with food because you have to have energy. Also you have to make your food last until your in the United States. Or until you go to a safe house. another thing is that you cant last more days than you thought you were gonna last. So you have to take care of your food. You have to eat because you need energy to be walking all those in the hills.

Step 5; Don't Get Caught
Try not to get caught because if you do you have to go to the immigration system. When you do that the immigration people take like if you were in jail. They check your record to see if you've tried to cross the border illegally before. Next they will to take you back to your country. and next they tell you that you can't go into the United States for a certain amount of years.

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