Monday, May 14, 2012

Group Work : Good or Bad

Photo By : Sean MacEntee I personally believe group work is not such a good idea, Why?. Well, because think about in some (most) groups people almost, always group up with their friends. Which I think is really stupid to do. If you group up with your friends your probably going to end up talking during the whole thing and your not going to get any work done, or your friend might get too comfterble and ask you to do the work for the rest of the group, but because you don't want to get a bad grade you say yes to your so called "friends" and you end up doing all the work. Unfortunately I have gone through this experience in the past, and me and my so called "group" ended up getting a "B". I'm not saying a "B" is a bad grade but, we or should I say "I" got a "B" because I was the ONLY one doing the work, while the rest of my so called "group" just sat back and enjoyed their day. I'm not saying all group work is bad, there are some good parts to working in a group. For example, you get to share different ideas if it is that your group members are at all participating.

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