Wednesday, November 30, 2011
So we are talking about black Friday a crazy day. That day of black Friday I stayed home eating chocolate, but I saw some crazy people waiting in line all night for the sales. I thought it was insane how people just stayed there in the cold waiting in big lines. The lines we so big I saw in the news all the people outside the stores one camera wouldn't even fit the line of people that were there. I also saw how the people were when they went inside the stores running like wild animals, they didn't care about anything. In the news there was how people where pushing other people out the way just to get in it was crazy. Also, I read that people went crazy and where going on top of people just to get one thing. I just think this was crazy.
Ok so Black Friday was ridiculous! The stores probably lost more customers then the amount stupid enough to stand in line. The only reason me and my mom went out that morining was because I wanted to see some old ladies get in a fight...That's how terrible it is. Sadly there were none but we couldnt even get through the praking lot because Best Buy's line went outside the store and around another one. This is EXTREMELY dangerous but its hilarious to me that so many people are willing to risk there lives standing in front of a group of X-Box hungry individuals who brought their whole family with them just to jump in whenever one of them gets in a fight.
On the news some lady had a miscarriage at walmart because she was trampled to death and on the same day in the same place someone died becuase they were literally trampled to death. Before me and my mom even went we watched a video of some lady cussing out a Toys-R-Us employee who was surprisingly very calm. I could go on and on about how hilarious Black Friday is but i'll just leave you with this.... IF YOU WANT TO SEE TRUE COMEDY SHOP AT WALMART ON BLACK FRIDAY!!
On the news some lady had a miscarriage at walmart because she was trampled to death and on the same day in the same place someone died becuase they were literally trampled to death. Before me and my mom even went we watched a video of some lady cussing out a Toys-R-Us employee who was surprisingly very calm. I could go on and on about how hilarious Black Friday is but i'll just leave you with this.... IF YOU WANT TO SEE TRUE COMEDY SHOP AT WALMART ON BLACK FRIDAY!!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Black Friday...
It's called "Black Friday" for a reason. Too many people including children has been victims this year. People will do anything for a deal! It is absolutely ridiculous. Its one thing to start a riot in the store, but to pepper spray children for a game!! Really? Or start a shooting. A woman was shot in the leg leaving Wal-Mart at 1a.m. She survived. A lot more has happened on this tragic day. Violence has broken out over shopping. Its the holidays, not gangland. Black Friday used to be hilarious but now it has just went way to far. It not only shows how greedy Americans can be but it shows what kind of sense we have, and obviously none at all.
Black Friday
On Friday I Was at home watching the news and the black Friday incidents came out. There was a couple of them. But the ones that my attention the most were the lady who pepper sprayed other shoppers for xbox games. Also the man who got a beaten by the police for holdin a video game inside his jacket so they wouldn't take from his grandson. And ths last one that that caught my attention was the mob that was mad because a local store didn't open for black Friday so they broke in. Now this is people gone crazy. Especially the Fontana citizen that got a beaten in a walmart in Arizona by the police just for putting a video game in his jacket so they wouldn't take it from his grandson.
Black Friday
Black Friday was crazy, I did not wait in line like all those crazy people. But I did go a day after which was crazy but not as crazy as it was the night before.I mean how do all those people stay or sleep outside for the sales, I know there good sales but is it really worth waiting outside and getting stepped on for an Xbox 360.I'm not say we should not have a Black Friday anymore, but it should be more organized. People should control themselves more instead of rushing through stores fighting over video games or even hitting each other or a cellphone. Is it really worth getting of couple of things and ending up with bruces all of your face and body,but, well that is just my opinion.
Black Friday;DD

Last Friday was black Friday and it was so awesome. But at the same time it was dangerous because at a Wal-mart about twenty people were injured because a lady started pepper-spraying people just to get a X-box 360 and they still haven't found out who did it. Some people also think that the name black Friday should be changed because they are saying that African Americans are getting offended by the name BLACK Friday. But I just think that is silly they don't mean it in that way, well that's my opinion. Other people also think that black Friday should be canceled because of how people are getting hurt and some almost dying, people say instead of pulling hair and getting in a fight for a candy bar they should be helping the poor or something. As you can see people are crazy for Black Friday.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
I think that dodgeball is appropiate. I think that dodgeba is an appropiate sport because it really doesnt hurt anybody. If some kids get hurt is becasue they don't pay attention during and also because there talking etc. But I don't think that dodgeball should be ban from p.e. When I was in elementary school wewould play dodgeball and i would always want to play and so did everybody else in my grade. But I don't think thadodge ball should be in the 'Hall of Shame'. This is my personal opinion.
Dodgeball is Appropriate
This week we talked about dodgeball and we also saw a video. In this video there was a debate about, if dodgeball should stay or should it go. My opinion on dodgeball is that it is appropriate because you are getting the right excercise.
But some people would disagree with me because they think dodgeball is not appropriate game because it invovles hitting people and searching for the weakest link. But in my opinon it gives you courage and confidence. If you got to this link The Hall Of Shame it will tell you about dodgeball. An that is my opinon on dodgeball.
But some people would disagree with me because they think dodgeball is not appropriate game because it invovles hitting people and searching for the weakest link. But in my opinon it gives you courage and confidence. If you got to this link The Hall Of Shame it will tell you about dodgeball. An that is my opinon on dodgeball.
I CAN NOT BELIEVE THE RIDICULOUS THINGS PEOPLE COME UP WITH. Apparently dodge ball is inappropriate and tag-your-it lowers a child's self esteem. It honestly scares me that instead of trying to stop pollution, help people who experienced natural disasters, OR CURING CANCER. Adults these days spend their precious time talking smack about games that they don't even have to play anymore.
Oh my gosh Kimana inconsiderate you don't even know the pain children go through getting hit by balls every time they play P.E. Actually I do and trust me i ALWAYS get hit but i don't get on the Internet and tell EVERYONE that I'm a downandouter and I can't take a few hits because I don't like EMBARRASSING MYSELF and LOOKING RIDICULOUS in front of THE WHOLE WORLD
And to think these people get paid for this. I wanna get paid for sitting around and complaining about dodge ball while slowly gaining 2o pounds everyday! If it bothers you that much then you tell your own kids to stop playing dodge ball. Don't ruin other kids' chance to not be a punk when they grow up. If you want your child to be scared of a rubber ball so be it. I have nothing further to say on the subject because I am irritated now.
Oh my gosh Kimana inconsiderate you don't even know the pain children go through getting hit by balls every time they play P.E. Actually I do and trust me i ALWAYS get hit but i don't get on the Internet and tell EVERYONE that I'm a downandouter and I can't take a few hits because I don't like EMBARRASSING MYSELF and LOOKING RIDICULOUS in front of THE WHOLE WORLD
And to think these people get paid for this. I wanna get paid for sitting around and complaining about dodge ball while slowly gaining 2o pounds everyday! If it bothers you that much then you tell your own kids to stop playing dodge ball. Don't ruin other kids' chance to not be a punk when they grow up. If you want your child to be scared of a rubber ball so be it. I have nothing further to say on the subject because I am irritated now.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Dodge ball should not be ban from our Physical Education class. Yes you might get hurt by a ball and all but come on don't be little wimps and go cry about it. You can take a good hit in the face to get more into the game and really try don't be lazy and just wait for the ball to hit you. Another thing, is not like is a ball made out of rocks or something is a soft ball or a bouncy ball those don't hurt, I got hit before and I didn't end up in the hospital.
Kids can get hurt even more in other games then dodge ball. If your trying to ban dodge ball why not ban the games you really get hurt in. One game we have in P.E that you can get really hurt is soccer. I love soccer but when you get hit with the ball or get trips you can really end up in the hospital.You can break your arm leg or your stomach playing soccer.
Another game kids can get hurt at is baseball a dangerous game. Kids have gotten hit in the eye with the ball and broken their legs trying to get to home plate. Also someone could get hit in the face with the bad and be sent to a hospital. For me this is the most dangerous game.
So if your going to band a game that hurt kids and make them feel like losers, I suggest that you also band soccer, baseball, football, and basketball so you could make P.E boring.
Kids can get hurt even more in other games then dodge ball. If your trying to ban dodge ball why not ban the games you really get hurt in. One game we have in P.E that you can get really hurt is soccer. I love soccer but when you get hit with the ball or get trips you can really end up in the hospital.You can break your arm leg or your stomach playing soccer.
Another game kids can get hurt at is baseball a dangerous game. Kids have gotten hit in the eye with the ball and broken their legs trying to get to home plate. Also someone could get hit in the face with the bad and be sent to a hospital. For me this is the most dangerous game.
So if your going to band a game that hurt kids and make them feel like losers, I suggest that you also band soccer, baseball, football, and basketball so you could make P.E boring.
Disappointment To Our P.E Department

Yes, with dodge ball you might get hit in the head once or twice but come on, it is a ball, it wont kill you. Do you see basketball players go and cry to there coach after they get hit in the face. No, you don't, they suck it up! Taking away this game, is like taking away basketball, because we might get hurt with A BALL. Do you see anyone complaining about other games? No, didn't think so.
They say we need to move around more, but look around in dodge ball, duck duck goose, tag, red rover,etc your running! Last time i checked running was exercise. Now P.E teachers are coming up with some very interesting games like: duck duck duck, and upsy down. Hm... No exercise.
The physical department is all trying to cure obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, well making those types of games is never going to do the trick.
We created these games to have fun right? Well taking them away is just siding with the kids who hide in the corner doing nothing. I don't want to be that kid who never tried and was to afraid to play.
No pain, No gain.
Dodge-ball Good or Bad
To my opinion dodge-ball is not that bad at all. I think some kids are just being lazy. For example some people are out there throwing the ball getting people out. While others are in the corner trying to get out on purpose so they won't have to play,or just hiding in the corner. In my opinion I think either those kids are not getting enough physical activity or they need more self-confidence to get out there and throw that ball and actually participate.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
I Want to go to Brazil!!!
I was thinking about what I like, but don't know much about. It was hard because there's so much things I like and don't know bout. Well I was watching the movie Rio and then I thought about Brazil, and how I would like to go visit there. Brazil is big and there is a lot of places to visit there but what I really want to see in Brazil is the Iguassu waterfalls. The Iguassu falls are so beautiful that I would love to got and actually see them in person.
I want to take a trip to the Iguassu National Park. The Iguassu Falls is the last Rain forest in the South of Brazil. Approximately 450,000 acres of the park is what now represents about 80% of what remains of the once subtropical rain forest. The goal of keeping this part of Brazil is maintaining the area for future generations.
This Iguassu Falls look beautiful and the best part is that there are the most beautiful birds there, and wild animals. The wild animals in Iguassu are jaguars, pumas, wild pigs, and tapirs. What are tapirs? Tapirs are endangered animals with a long, flexible snout they look like anteaters but I think there cuter. Iguassu National Park was declared a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1986.
I want to take a trip to the Iguassu National Park. The Iguassu Falls is the last Rain forest in the South of Brazil. Approximately 450,000 acres of the park is what now represents about 80% of what remains of the once subtropical rain forest. The goal of keeping this part of Brazil is maintaining the area for future generations.
This Iguassu Falls look beautiful and the best part is that there are the most beautiful birds there, and wild animals. The wild animals in Iguassu are jaguars, pumas, wild pigs, and tapirs. What are tapirs? Tapirs are endangered animals with a long, flexible snout they look like anteaters but I think there cuter. Iguassu National Park was declared a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1986.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Well I love animals because they are amazing and because they are good company. I also like animals because they are like your best friends even though they are animals. They always will be around you, well until they die. But anyways animals can also help a person after they have had a stroke because doctors say that they bring down the person's blood pressure. Another reason for liking animals is because they are like family members, especially if you are a single child and you have no syballings. An that is why you should love animals.
So obviously you guys have noticed how serious I am about music. Which means I am interested in many different kinds of music. Which leads me to a question that I have never really considered looking up: What genius created MY LIFE AND SOUL, which can also be narrowed down to who invented music or where did it come from.
Apparently no one invented it which is depressing but then again I can just go around saying I did since no one else wants to step up. Hey guys I invented music want to know where it came from? Good I thought you might.
Ok so I am taking no credit for inventing music because there is a lot of math involved and I am only in algebra one but music was originated by R. O. Schmidt in 1979 as an improvement to Pisarenko's method. Pisarenko originally invented Pisarenko's harmonic decomposition also known as his method. It is a frequency method and because this isn't a history lesson I will stop talking about it now.
So R.O. Schmidt just improved Pisarenko's method, but its all basically the same. BTW(by the way) MUSIC stands for: MUltiple SIgnal Classification. Isn't that crazy how something so enticing can have such an ugly name. Anyways besides all the research and math mathematical conclusions. Music is made up of sounds, people were born with ears, sounds are in everything you do even if your just breathing.Which leads us to the end of this post. Ladies and Gentlemen Music was invented by no man it is a variation of sounds that by opinion can be beautiful or sound like someone scratching a chalkboard. That's all for today folks.
Apparently no one invented it which is depressing but then again I can just go around saying I did since no one else wants to step up. Hey guys I invented music want to know where it came from? Good I thought you might.
Ok so I am taking no credit for inventing music because there is a lot of math involved and I am only in algebra one but music was originated by R. O. Schmidt in 1979 as an improvement to Pisarenko's method. Pisarenko originally invented Pisarenko's harmonic decomposition also known as his method. It is a frequency method and because this isn't a history lesson I will stop talking about it now.
So R.O. Schmidt just improved Pisarenko's method, but its all basically the same. BTW(by the way) MUSIC stands for: MUltiple SIgnal Classification. Isn't that crazy how something so enticing can have such an ugly name. Anyways besides all the research and math mathematical conclusions. Music is made up of sounds, people were born with ears, sounds are in everything you do even if your just breathing.Which leads us to the end of this post. Ladies and Gentlemen Music was invented by no man it is a variation of sounds that by opinion can be beautiful or sound like someone scratching a chalkboard. That's all for today folks.
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