Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I CAN NOT BELIEVE THE RIDICULOUS THINGS PEOPLE COME UP WITH. Apparently dodge ball is inappropriate and tag-your-it lowers a child's self esteem. It honestly scares me that instead of trying to stop pollution, help people who experienced natural disasters, OR CURING CANCER. Adults these days spend their precious time talking smack about games that they don't even have to play anymore.

Oh my gosh Kimana inconsiderate you don't even know the pain children go through getting hit by balls every time they play P.E. Actually I do and trust me i ALWAYS get hit but i don't get on the Internet and tell EVERYONE that I'm a downandouter and I can't take a few hits because I don't like EMBARRASSING MYSELF and LOOKING RIDICULOUS in front of THE WHOLE WORLD

And to think these people get paid for this. I wanna get paid for sitting around and complaining about dodge ball while slowly gaining 2o pounds everyday! If it bothers you that much then you tell your own kids to stop playing dodge ball. Don't ruin other kids' chance to not be a punk when they grow up. If you want your child to be scared of a rubber ball so be it. I have nothing further to say on the subject because I am irritated now.

1 comment:

  1. Quotable line:
    "If you want your child to be scared of a rubber ball then so be it."

    : )
