Sunday, November 6, 2011

I Want to go to Brazil!!!

I was thinking about what I like, but don't know much about. It was hard because there's so much things I like and don't know bout.  Well I was watching the movie Rio and then I thought about Brazil, and how I would like to go visit there. Brazil is big and there is a lot of places to visit there but what I really want to see in Brazil is the  Iguassu waterfalls. The Iguassu falls are so beautiful that I would love to got and actually see them in person.

I want to take a trip to the Iguassu National Park. The Iguassu Falls is the last Rain forest in the South of Brazil. Approximately 450,000 acres of the park is what now represents about 80% of what remains of the once subtropical rain forest. The goal of keeping this part of Brazil is maintaining the area for future generations.

This Iguassu Falls look beautiful and the best part is that there are the most beautiful birds there, and wild animals. The wild animals in Iguassu are jaguars, pumas, wild pigs, and tapirs. What are tapirs? Tapirs are endangered animals with a long, flexible snout they look like anteaters but I think there cuter. Iguassu National Park was declared a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1986.

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