Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dodge ball should not be ban from our Physical Education class. Yes you might get hurt by a ball and all but come on don't be little wimps and go cry about it. You can take a good hit in the face to get more into the game and really try don't be lazy and just wait for the ball to hit you. Another thing, is not like is a ball made out of rocks or something is a soft ball or a bouncy ball those don't hurt, I got hit before and I didn't end up in the hospital.

Kids can get hurt even more in other games then dodge ball. If your trying to ban dodge ball why not ban the games you really get hurt in. One game we have in P.E that you can get really hurt is soccer. I love soccer but when you get hit with the ball or get trips you can really end up in the hospital.You can break your arm leg or your stomach playing soccer.

Another game kids can get hurt at is baseball a dangerous game. Kids have gotten hit in the eye with the ball and broken their legs trying to get to home plate. Also someone could get hit in the face with the bad and be sent to a hospital. For me this is the most dangerous game.

So if your going to band a game that hurt kids and make them feel like losers, I suggest that you also band soccer, baseball, football, and basketball so you could make P.E boring.

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