Sunday, October 30, 2011
Why not punish both?
Have you noticed that when someone is bit by a small dog people don't really care? But its a big deal when a bigger dog does it! I don't understand, each dog should get the same punishment. Yes, there is a difference in size and power BUT they should be trained to not do that. For example, I have gotten bitten from my Rottweiler and he was recommended to be put to sleep(hes fine, I saved him from that) but my little brother was attacked by my Terrier and was told to just shake it off. What?! So, that's basically giving sympathy to the little dog and y'all wanted to put my dog to sleep(why kill him!). In my eyes a Poodle is the same as a Pit-Bull, except Poodles wine, and Pits bark. Even though there are more serious injuries coming from a bigger dog you still have to see that the smaller one is doing the same thing and not being punished. Shake my head. Explain that because all my big puppies are being rejected over smaller puppies.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
So I've been thinking about a new cellphone to get. But what cellphone i thought to myself until i heard about the new iPhone 4s pretty cool huh?. This cellphone comes with alot of pretty cool stuff. For example Siri, the new program that has been installed into it, can give you anything, give you a bunch of information, pictures, and even directions about anything you ask it. It also comes with a dual-core A5 chip which is also included in the iPad 2. But the only bad side to this amazing device is that it costs (depending on the GB) $599, $699, $649, $749.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
(disrespectful refrence to a female)
Everyday of my life I go home and watch music videos (mostly hip hop). And everyday I always end up yelling at the television because the same untalented, ignorant rappers pop up. I mean if you really listen to their so called "lyrics" they really aren't saying much and all they ever talk about is girls (except they don't actually call them that), cars, money, chains, weapons, how they are so "G", and how they are all ironically from the projects. Please do not assume that just because someone made up some catchy provocative nursery rhyme that they can rap. Rap is like a creative way of getting peoples attention and speaking your mind. Its like a way of life it can mean so much more than just going to the club and saying "yeah buddy" in the beginning of every song. If people with baby momma drama stopped making songs I'm pretty sure that kids wouldn't talk about sex as much as they do. The music is what makes the listeners who they are. It grabs you and holds you and tells you how to be. YES rap music has cuss words in it there is nothing we can do about that, that is just how people talk but if the message they are sending out isn't going to get you in jail then i don't think there is anything wrong with that. For example, "Hood dreams I got all year Feeling like the new king of the throne here Got enough chains on for every (disrespectful refrence to a female). " Gucci Mane This one sentence right here could make a little boy steal a chain and start calling his mom a (disrespectful refrence to a female). This is what people rather listen to while other people work their butts off trying to write this: "Listen to your friend get another man for a minute then repeat,
Queen, you deserve the title but she rejects what I give, while she nurse the wounds by them,
Tried them, didn't work, got impossible standards, nothing I'm a do is gon' work,
Diary of a black girl...... I love that song and he calls females that he likes queens while the other guy calls them (disrespectful reference to a female)." Wale
All I am saying is rap music doesn't have to be, you know pointless, there can actually be a genuine meaning behind the song. I suggest listening to alternative rap because its amazing.
Queen, you deserve the title but she rejects what I give, while she nurse the wounds by them,
Tried them, didn't work, got impossible standards, nothing I'm a do is gon' work,
Diary of a black girl...... I love that song and he calls females that he likes queens while the other guy calls them (disrespectful reference to a female)." Wale
All I am saying is rap music doesn't have to be, you know pointless, there can actually be a genuine meaning behind the song. I suggest listening to alternative rap because its amazing.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Judging someone without knowing them is unfair. We live in a world of judgmental people that just spent there life looking at other people, and judging them for what they see. I think that since you shouldn't judge someone by how they look, dress, talk, or for what kind of food they eat you shouldn't judge the authors by what they write. Just because the author wrote that doesn't mean he feels that way or his life is like that. You never know why the author feels he might be mad, or just feels like write about something depressing or violent. Also teachers have always teach us "don't judge a book by its cover" so I made a new one " don't judge a author by its book." Edgar Allen Poe is a great writer and I don't think his psychotic just his books are a little weird and hard to understand. Most people that read books about Edgar Allen Poe may think his crazy or psycho, but I thought he was awesome when I read his book Mask of the Red Death. I was happy that finally there was someone that wrote a book that wasn't about love (the books about love were getting old and boring).
Monday, October 17, 2011
I have been noticing recently that people often judge authors by they're stories. This can be wrong in some ways but it can also be a good way to learn about the person who wrote the book or story you were reading. Though I highly doubt that you can figure a person out like that if they aren't writing about themselves. I mean if you read "The Lottery" most likely your first impression of the Shirley Jackson would be that she is INSANE. But if you really think about it she could just be that sweet next door neighbor who always makes you and your mom cookies when you get home from school. Don't judge a book by its cover and don't judge and author by its book.
Writers and Themselves
Personally I think that a writer should not be judged for what he/she write. For example Edgar Allen Poe was judged unfairly for many years for his believed psychopathics stories or poems. In my case I believe that was very unfair, because you should not judge a person for what they write, yes sometimes what people write is very psychopathic but that does not necessarily mean they are psychopathics. They just write for the fun of entertaining people or just for the fun of writing stories.
Are Authors Psycho Because of the Stories They Write
I think that people shouldn't judge authors by there stories. Because maybe when they wrote that story that seems sick and twisted, maybe they were angry or not in a good mood. Its kind of like the phrase don't judge a book by the cover. For example Edgar Allan Poe I don't think he's psycho, I say this because some of his stories are kind of sick and twisted like Mask of the Red Death, maybe he was angry or a sickness has took some of his family members and he was expressing his feelings. But some people think that since authors write sick and twisted stories they are psycho but I don't think that. maybe some authors are pyscho maybe some are not only they would know if there psycho.
Don't Judge;)
So we are reading about Edgar Allen Poe and his books are pretty gruesome but some people think that he is crazy because of how he writes his books. But i think that you shouldn't judge a person of how he or she writes, even though I will have to admit that I did think he was a little crazy at first. But you still shouldn't judge someone of how they write, it doesn't mean that they are crazy if they write scary stuff it can just mean that they are expressing there feelings everyone expresses there feelings in a different way so why can't he express his that way. Anyway some people out there can't even judge him because they don't know what he has been through. He lost a lot of people who were close to him because they all caught a disease called tuberculosis. Just because he may write crazy doesn't mean you should judge him. So to all those people out there who are judging a book by its cover don't because you don't know what it has been through.

Most people judge an authors by their stories, musicians by there songs, and many others. Its ridicules! Everyone finds a way to judge, just by what they see. Like Shirley Jackson for example, the first story I've read from her was the "The Lottery" and my first thought was "This lady has some issues!", but then I read "Charles", which was a fun little story about a kid in kindergarten. See, I was proved wrong, she doesn't have issues. Another thing is artists. The legendary Micheal Jackson, was criticized very poorly by numerous amounts of people. By the way he dressed, looked and changed over time, then rumors started. Madonna was judged because she was different (dressed, sang, etc.). In everyday life too, Scene, Emo, Gothic, Nerds, are harshly looked at because they are DIFFERENT! What I'm trying to say is it is NOT good to judge. If you don't even know the person just keep your mouth shut (if its not a compliment).
Friday, October 14, 2011
College Mascots ;DD
My question was"What college has the weirdest mascot and how did it become that?". The college that I found that had the weirdest mascot was the Western Kentucky University and it's mascot is called Big Red the Hill Topper. He is like a fuzzy ball and his head is dislocated from his mouth. They call him this because he is big and red. They also call him the hill topper because the college lives at the top of the hill. But anyways that is a weird mascot "right";).
Thursday, October 13, 2011
One question I got about a university? Well my question is does S.D.S.U have any special programs for freshmen? I looked this up on my sucky internet, and I didn't get what I was looking for. The only thing it gave me was that it has a variety of first-year programs to help freshmen, and create friendship. Like I said I didn't find much but I'll tell you one thing I will love to go to SDSU when I'm older. Back to the topic I couldn't find much but I found this is D.U.S (division of undergraduates studies) This is so pose to help freshmen come more social and have a better education.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My question was "Do they have dance programs in college?". After researching and reading for forever I found my answer... They do! I plan on studying law or medicine for my major then I think to myself "what else could i do besides that?" well do what i naturally do, dance. So I looked up Top 50 colleges in the US and Harvard University was listed #1, I did my research on it and seemed to like it, then i checked out the dance classes which included: Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Modern, Broadway Dance, West African etc. Then I got realistic I'm not going to travel all the way to the other side of the states to go to college(maybe). So I looked other colleges within reach(Stanford being my favorite). Their dance programs are pretty much the same. So that made me happy. I can work on my studies and have fun too.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

So my teacher told us to make a post about questions we had about college. Thus, my question being: What is the difference between a College and a University? And so I looked it up on the Internet (such a terrible place) and after much frustration and off topic search results I found out that it is very difficult to distinguish the difference between colleges and universities. The reason why its so hard to contrast (that was for you English Answer Man) universities and colleges is because both are considered educational institutions. People, like you parents' friends, will sometimes ask you "Are going to college" you almost NEVER hear them say "Are you going to university". Yeah well that's because there is no official difference between colleges and universities, they are basically the same place. As you can see our country is undecided right now and if you wanted to know the official difference then you might have to wait a while for them to think of one.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
My plan was ruined
So I walked outside and I saw the guy that keeps hitting on my mom so I thought it would be a good idea to try out my creepy smile, you know so I can make the world a better place and everything. Well it backfired because then he kept trying to talk to me and all i kept thinking about is his nasty teeth and how he always stares at my mother ewww. So no more smiling at him ever again.
These past few days I did not help an older person at the grocery store. But I did help a relative. I went with her to the grocery store and helped her get 12 packs of sodas.Then when we got out i pushed the grocery car to her car. After that I put the things in the car.Last but not least i took the grocery car to where it goes.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Being Nice
Being nice, well I guess there are many ways to be nice. One for example that is not so hard is, trying to help people when you see them in need of someones help. Or just being nice around the house if you find it so hard being nice to random people. You can help your mom and dad around the house. Or you can be nice to your siblings, like not fighting over the control for t.v or yelling at your sister because she went through your things. Just be NICE!
Me Being Nice;DD
This blog is about my experiment of trying to be nice.Well this weekend I did help my mom out around the house and she loved it. I also would have liked to helped the elderly but I didn't because I didn't see any old people. But I did get to help my friends with there problems and they thanked me for it, it was so awesome;DD. I also was talking to a sad person that I didn't know that well and she didn't thank me but it still felt good to help her,well kinda;). An that is what I did to try to be nice;).
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Okay I'm sitting down eating thinking about how to make this world a nicer place. Well I thought about being creepy and smiling at people, but I don't like smiling to random kids that's weird. Then I thought about helping old people cross the street, but they would just probably yell at me. Like this one time I help a old guy and he was like, " get of me you insolent child." So I'm not doing that I don't want old people yelling at me and holding old people, I don't know is creepy. So I came to a conclusion and I cant think of anything else but, being nice to people saying nice thing, not hitting them, not saying something mean when they act dumb ext. Even if I'm not that good at being nice I can try like I did on Friday, it was bad but i will try my best.
This world doesnt have enough smiles!! I walk around seeing women roll there eyes, men make rude remarks, and LITTLE BABIES getting BIG attitudes! So Im going to change the world by smiling, using my manners, and acting politley (how I was raised to!). Its so sad to see little babies treat people the way I see them treat others, see how this world has become? Little babies are turning into MONSTERS! If only people didnt have facial issues... So sad. But Im going to spread out my smiles (at the store, at the park, around the neiborhood, ect.) wherever I go. Just a little smile wont hurt right? No it wont, so I hope this works! ;)
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