Most people judge an authors by their stories, musicians by there songs, and many others. Its ridicules! Everyone finds a way to judge, just by what they see. Like Shirley Jackson for example, the first story I've read from her was the "The Lottery" and my first thought was "This lady has some issues!", but then I read "Charles", which was a fun little story about a kid in kindergarten. See, I was proved wrong, she doesn't have issues. Another thing is artists. The legendary Micheal Jackson, was criticized very poorly by numerous amounts of people. By the way he dressed, looked and changed over time, then rumors started. Madonna was judged because she was different (dressed, sang, etc.). In everyday life too, Scene, Emo, Gothic, Nerds, are harshly looked at because they are DIFFERENT! What I'm trying to say is it is NOT good to judge. If you don't even know the person just keep your mouth shut (if its not a compliment).
That is so true! I hate when people judge other people about others and they don't even know them! For example, people judge me because, I'm considered a goody-goody just because I get good grades. And people don't trust me because rumors that went around saying I told peoples secrets! But anyways, good job Gabs! ;D