Sunday, October 2, 2011

This world doesnt have enough smiles!! I walk around seeing women roll there eyes, men make rude remarks, and LITTLE BABIES getting BIG attitudes! So Im going to change the world by smiling, using my manners, and acting politley (how I was raised to!). Its so sad to see little babies treat people the way I see them treat others, see how this world has become? Little babies are turning into MONSTERS! If only people didnt have facial issues... So sad. But Im going to spread out my smiles (at the store, at the park, around the neiborhood, ect.) wherever I go. Just a little smile wont hurt right? No it wont, so I hope this works! ;)


  1. I agree with you because it is sad to see people act the way they do and especially babies..DON'T PARENTS TEACH THERE KIDS THESE DAYS! but anyways i like your post;DD

  2. Well said. Flash a normal smile (no creepy ones), and you're almost guaranteed to get one back.

    Crinkle the eyes at the corners for a bonus. :)
