Sunday, October 2, 2011

      Okay I'm sitting down eating thinking about how to make this world a nicer place. Well I thought about  being creepy and smiling at people, but I don't like smiling to random kids that's weird. Then I thought about helping old people cross the street, but they would just probably yell at me. Like this one time I help a old guy and he was like, " get of me you insolent child." So I'm not doing that I don't want old people yelling at me and holding old people, I don't know is creepy. So I came to a conclusion and I cant think of anything else but, being nice to people saying nice thing, not hitting them, not saying something mean when they act dumb ext. Even if I'm not that good at being nice I can try like I did on Friday, it was bad but i will try my best.

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