Thursday, March 29, 2012


Well the perfect future  husband has to be a nice good looking guy. To me a perfect husband has to have a nice body, nice lips, he has to be nice and of course good looking. My perfect future husband has to love me and only have eyes for me he has to be able to keep a good relationship going. Also my future husband has to be funny and get along with people and not be one of those SUPER jealous guys, like he could be jealous ( because I like that ) but not to  jealous or to protective.

 My future husband has to be a strong guy so I could feel safe with him and so he could beat up any other guy that tries treating me bad. He has to be a husband that won't cheat and is welling to stand up for me. My husband  has to like going to the gym and all that stuff. He also has to be able to show me some affection and be sweet and all that. I would like it if he brought me breakfast in bed and be all nice and show that he loves me. One important thing that my perfect future husband has to do is always wear his wedding ring so girls will back of and he has to dress good.                         

 Most important is that to be my husband you have to be bomb, you have to be like one of those movie stars like William Levy his so bomb. If you DO NOT look like a sexy William Levy or aren't even close to his level please don't  be my future husband don't ask me to marry you because I will straight up say NO WAY BYE HAVE A NICE LIFE HUN. Well that my perfect future husband.

The Perfect Taco

Photo By: YardSale The perfect tacos have to be delicious of course but this is what in my opinion, the tacos need to be perfect. First of all it depends on the ingredients you are going to be making them with make sure they are in perfect and fresh condition. Next when warming up the tortilla make sure it is also fresh and when warming it up make sure it's not so hot that it has burnt spots all over it, but not so cold that it's still raw to eat. Next make sure you have the perfect drink to go along with it, for example a nice cold soda to drink after biting into the chili of your spicy taco(your taco does not have to have chili). And last, make sure to be comfortable before enjoying your taco.

The Perfect Friday Night

Ah yes, The perfect Friday.
PARTIES!!!!!!!!!! Yeah I said it. P.A.R.T.I.E.S.
Don't waste your Fridays sitting at home licking your cat! GO OUT! Hang with some friends, dance around in Walmart, prank call the police WHATEVER YOU WANT. Just please don't be loser. If you are, in fact, a loser and you don't get invited to any parties then THROW ONE. Of course it takes planning so make sure you pay attention.

The planning part requires a few minor things:
-get some friends(lots of friends, even ones you don't like they are usually crazy at parties)
-make sure your parents either don't care or aren't there
-GET A J.O.B. or ask your careless parents for some cash this ain't no charity event!?!?!
-if your are under the legal drinking age have someone make non-alcoholic drinks that look like grown up drinks......or just don't get caught :) ha!

Now if all goes well then you should be having a party Friday night, BUT THERE IS STILL WORK TO BE DONE.:
-invites are a crucial part of a party, so is the guest list. Get a friend to man the door with the guest list for you that way random people don't come to your EXCLUSIVE awesome party!
-When you invite people don't invite everyone..... But make sure you invite a lot of people that way the ones who weren't invited will be forced to notice. Thus making your party even cooler!!!
The day of the big event:
-Party time!
-As soon as people start pulling up TURN UP THE MUSIC! Be polite, socialize,
-Offer drinks, snacks, etc.
-the music you play at your party determines what type of people will show up. If you don't play hot music ugly people will approach, and no one wants that!

At this point your party should be on and poppin. Just check every so often how everyone is doing and remember DON'T LICK YOUR CAT.
P.S don't forget to invite the person who helped you make what would have been the worst Friday ever, the best one yet.
Photo by:Podi_

The Perfect Comforter

Some people eat, go to the gym, or just fill their pillow with tears when they feel pain. Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on every once in a while, even if they don't want to admit it. If you think about it no one always has that, so they replace it with food, physical contact, or a teddy bear. My perfect comforting object is music.

Music is always there for me, and never hurts me. I'm not much of a crier, or person who talks out all my feelings, so what do I have? Music. Most the time I sit in my room and blast my radio, iPod, phone, laptop, etc when I'm sad, mad, irritated, whatever. Its never made me feel or look worse, its like a best friend. I have serious trust issues so I can just think about it while I listen to my favorite songs, obviously I'm not crazy enough to tell my iPod my problem.

When you try to get your mind off something just blast your earphones and start dancing! This is the perfect way to how I forget most of the bad stuff in life. I mean no one wants to be sad ALL the time, its just not worth it. By the time your done with your "dance session" you'll probably forget why you were sad in the first place, or better learn that it really wasn't worth the time to mope over.

There's a song for EVERY mood. Listen to something that matches your mood or the opposite of your mood, a song will be there to relate to what your feeling like or what you want to feel like. Seriously, there is one for you just look for it, if you cant find one look harder. If there is songs about gummy-bears I'm pretty sure there is one for emotions.

If you dont feel like crying to your friends, family members, or in some cases psychiatrist, musci will comfort you. "For the music is your special is your only friend until the end"(The Doors, When The Music's Over)

Photo by: ~m0ut0n-addict

the perfect break-up song;((

There is this song that is a perfect a break-up song because all she says is its over. An why they are done but it is a really good song to listen to especially if you just got dumped or if you feel like dumping somebody. Even though she says its over a lot of times, you still should listen to the lyrics because they are so true! Photo By: Live at J&R

Don't Keep Listening Too It!

If you want some advice don't keep listening to it because it will make you a little more sadder than you already are and it probably will get annoying after a few times. But to me it doesn't, you also shouldn't keep listening to it because your going to probably ruin the song for other people who are surrounded by you (just saying).

The Artist Who Wrote It

The artist who wrote the song obviously was coming from a sad point view but she did it so well. She is a real good singer she sings so AWESOME!! her song is also not for people who just got dumped or who just feel like dumping someone its also for people who just enjoy music and who love to rock out in your room. Oh ya the artist name is Marsha Ambrosius;) Photo

Thursday, March 15, 2012

First Came the Beating Then They Made an Album

You all know about the incident that happened between Chris Brown and Rhianna a few years back right? If not then heres a little recap:
-Chris Brown received a text message from a female who was definitely not looking for cookies.
-Rhianna read it. Started yelling, and got beat up.

She got a retraining order on him, but I guess it expired because they've been seen with each other and they now have not one but TWO songs together. Its ridiculous, like, what kind of example are you setting for your fans. She is basically telling people: its OK for your boyfriend to beat you if he spends his free time making songs with your name in it and has temper tantrums on television for you.

As if the fact that she made a song that said "chains and whips excite me" or that in her video for We Found Love there just happens to be a guy who looks like Chris brown in it as her love interest wasn't bad enough. She decides that her and Chris should party together and make songs about the nasty monkey dance with each other. The song is called Birthday Cake and the lyrics are not only catchy and stupid but they are also EXTREMELY inappropriate for children. period.

But thats not all Rhianna has also been tweeting about Chris Brown's new girlfriend basically telling him that she still loves him and he should leave his girl. WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU LEAVE YOUR GIRLFRIEND FOR THE GIRL WHO GOT A RESTRAINING ORDER AGAINST YOU!!! I repeat: RETRAINING ORDER. The whole concept of wanting your abusive boyfriend back is, well, STUPID. Congrats Rhianna you told the world that you don't need to be respected. :) I for one have lost the little bit of it that I did have for you.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Disneyland Review

Disneyland "the greatest place on earth" it MAY be the greatest place on earth but it does have lots of flaws. For example the waiting lines are humongously long specially on Rollocosters, well mostly all the rides. And the food is not exactly my favorite food there, we usually go to the burger restaurants near Disneyland. Or you can also pack your own food in small containers. Another flaw unfortunately is that the prices on objects at the souvenir shops are highly expensive, for example a hat that said "Grumpy" on it costed fourty-six dollars. Don't you think that's a little too expensive just for a hat.Also a pen with small design on it costed about five dollars, that is also too expensive. But all in all I do think Disneyland is a great place to have fun with your family and enjoy the rides, just as long as you come prepaid for some flaws.
Photo By: William Shewbridge

#1 Girl album

If you never heard of the #1 girl album by MINDLESS BEHAVIOR then your really crazy. That album is amazing it has eleven songs but there all about girls which makes it even more better. An the boys that sing it are so cute and there looking for there number one girl!! The album is really good because its for our age group and it doesn't have profanity.
Photo By:LunchBoxLP

I think a lot of boys and girls would love this album if they just listened to it because its a album that makes you wanna jump up and sing out loud. For example you can sing it in the shower, in the car or at somebody's house if you wanted. You can also just rock out to it at school because I know I do.You can also sing it too some people because others may think your weird.

The four boys that made it, worked really hard for it and they are only fourteen years old which is awesome. An did I mention that they are super cute! One day I hope I can meet them because they inspire others to work hard and make their dreams come true!

  • one good thing about this CD is that it is all about girls
  • the songs on it are catchy
  • the lyrics rock
  • the songs are original
  • some of the songs are boring
  • an some don't make sense
Final Review
Even though there are a few cons the CD is still really good!! So I recommend this CD for other people, even to some adults.

Home Depot Center ( soccer stadium)


One of the good soccer stadiums I have been in is The Home Depot Center. It is a realy good soccer stadium, and the way it’s not even that far it’s by a city in Pasadena called Carson, Ca.

I have been there about 3 times its really fun. One time I went to go see a Mexico vs Nicaragua by the way it was really fun. The second time I went I saw a final and by the way I saw when the two finals in one day for the price of one ticket and the other people I went with they liked it to.
The last time I went I saw a MLS game and I went with my parents, my sister, my brother-in-law, and my nephew they liked it also, they taught it was pretty cool.

The bad thing about it is when fights break out for no reason. Like the first time I went I was about 4 or 5 years old. A fight broke out in the row I was in. So the guys started throwing punches at each other and I didn’t notice until one of the guys punched me in the nose for no reason. So this is the only ad part of going to a soccer stadium.

Well. . .

Both of my parents both have a Droid. I love how I can go on the internet, play games, and many others things, but I’m disappointed with it. When we first got the phones there were no problems whatsoever. When time passed many problems occurred with this phone.

When they say it’s like a human phone, well they mean it. This thing has a mind of its own! Like I was trying to go on Google and let’s just say I had a horrifying experience, it took me to a whole different site… Yes, that can happen with a lot of phones, but the lag is terrible. If I’m somewhere bored out of my mind I ask if I can play on it. I plug in my earphones and go to Youtube, it takes forever and a year for it to load what I’m looking for. The Droid annoys me to the point I go back to using a computer the old fashioned way to do stuff.

One day there was an emergency, my mom had to contact my dad she went to her contacts then the phone closed out of it. She tried texting him and the keys wouldn’t work, then the phone died at random. This phone goes crazy at weird time times. Also the battery power sucks. Every time I see that phone it’s always on a charger. Even when you delete the apps it still dies fast. What if you’re in an emergency (like we were) and your phone does at random.

The phone looks so cool and can do a million things, but this phone is definitely not my first choice.

Image By: nino63004

Thursday, March 8, 2012

No Racism

Photo By:Vectorportal I believe in NO RACISM, and everyone SHOULD believe in that. I believe that we should all be able to look at each other with no discrimination to any race. We are all humans and have feelings, just because someone is a different color does not mean that they don't have feelings, or are not humans. We should all treat each other how we want to be treated. Just like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Said for there to be no racism. We continue to have racism. So what I stand up for is that one day we can all look at each other and be happy for one another. NOT to discriminate.

I Believe In...

It took me a while to figure out exactly what I believe in. I recently stopped being Christian because of some stuff that my dad showed me. It basically makes being a teenager harder for me. I'm already hormonal, on top of the fact that I'm a female and then my dad comes along and tells me that everything I partially believed in was a load of crap. So some people think I'm atheist because of it. I just want to make it clear to everyone that I'm definitely not atheist, I do believe in God I just don't believe in any type of religion.

I went to church, against my will, recently with one of my friends and even though I didn't want to be there I still paid attention to what he was saying. I didn't like at all, he kept talking about how the only reason they were even at church was to worship Jesus. That's all he kept talking about was Jesus, Jesus...... and more Jesus. My thing is if it weren't for God, Jesus wouldn't have even been alive so if anything they should be going to church to thank God for giving Jesus to them in the first place.

Back in the day when I was Christian (hahaha) I used to go to church with my aunt, whenever I was there they used to harass me about getting baptized. They were like " you need to wash away your sins," or, "the lord is waiting for you to get purified" If God wanted me to get baptized then he would come down here and splash some water on my face. In my opinion the bible was created to keep people from asking questions, in other words its something somebody made up to keep things in order.

If god needed me to spend time worshiping him, he would tell me. Same goes for anything else he wants. If he didn't want us to sin then he wouldn't have given us the ability to do bad things. I don't think that God would create us just to kill us and I don't think that just because Adam and Eve messed up that we all get punished for it. I know for a fact that I wasn't the one who picked the apple off the tree, and if a snake tried to talk to me then I would run. I feel like we were accidents and that how we handle our time here determines whether or not we move on from here. Don't get me wrong, I am open to listening to other people and their dilemmas and I have nothing against Christians. It’s just that I have nothing else to believe in so this is what I believe in.

photo by: Sprengben[why not get a friend

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

You Were Born An Original, Don't Die A Copy

This gets me so frustrated. I don't see why this world has to always be somebody who they are not JUST so they won't be picked on or feel weird. Everybody has their own unique ways of doing things , and if others don't except us for who we are then how are we supposed to CREATE OURSELVES?

For example , my Aunt had bright hot pink hair, baggy clothes, and a different taste of music than anyone else from the rest of the family. Everywhere she went with my grandmother people would ask my grandmother "Why do you let her do that?". My grandmother simply responded, "She's being herself and I can't change who she is". I'm just like my Aunt, I like to be different. I want to be known as that girl who wasn't afraid to try any fashion statement, and so far I've tried MANY looks.

Even "friends" find it hard to except it when someone changes. So what you go from a "country queen" to a "rocker chick" or if you go from blonde to pink. Does it matter? Your being YOU, nobody else. If we were all the same this world would be boring.

Dont sit around all day looking at fashion magazines, reading on whats "in". Who cares what the new trend is? Who cares what music tops the charts? Obviously people who are afraid to come out the closet and be free, to be and do whatever they want. Why cant we all except people, change is GOOD, it helps you think outside of the box instead of your everyday mind.

Immigrants Should Get Legal Papers

I suggest that immigrants who do nothing wrong but to work and take care of their families should get legal papers. For example some immigrants get fired just because there boss finds out that they don't have legal papers. For example like the 17 dining hall workers that got fired for not having legal papers. They got fired just because of that, and they did nothing wrong. At some point every bodies ancestors were immigrants. For example some people try to get legal papers but there judge tells them that they have to go back to Mexico and they never get there papers. I believe that legalization should become more easy.