Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Disneyland Review

Disneyland "the greatest place on earth" it MAY be the greatest place on earth but it does have lots of flaws. For example the waiting lines are humongously long specially on Rollocosters, well mostly all the rides. And the food is not exactly my favorite food there, we usually go to the burger restaurants near Disneyland. Or you can also pack your own food in small containers. Another flaw unfortunately is that the prices on objects at the souvenir shops are highly expensive, for example a hat that said "Grumpy" on it costed fourty-six dollars. Don't you think that's a little too expensive just for a hat.Also a pen with small design on it costed about five dollars, that is also too expensive. But all in all I do think Disneyland is a great place to have fun with your family and enjoy the rides, just as long as you come prepaid for some flaws.
Photo By: William Shewbridge

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