I went to church, against my will, recently with one of my friends and even though I didn't want to be there I still paid attention to what he was saying. I didn't like at all, he kept talking about how the only reason they were even at church was to worship Jesus. That's all he kept talking about was Jesus, Jesus...... and more Jesus. My thing is if it weren't for God, Jesus wouldn't have even been alive so if anything they should be going to church to thank God for giving Jesus to them in the first place.
Back in the day when I was Christian (hahaha) I used to go to church with my aunt, whenever I was there they used to harass me about getting baptized. They were like " you need to wash away your sins," or, "the lord is waiting for you to get purified" If God wanted me to get baptized then he would come down here and splash some water on my face. In my opinion the bible was created to keep people from asking questions, in other words its something somebody made up to keep things in order.
If god needed me to spend time worshiping him, he would tell me. Same goes for anything else he wants. If he didn't want us to sin then he wouldn't have given us the ability to do bad things. I don't think that God would create us just to kill us and I don't think that just because Adam and Eve messed up that we all get punished for it. I know for a fact that I wasn't the one who picked the apple off the tree, and if a snake tried to talk to me then I would run. I feel like we were accidents and that how we handle our time here determines whether or not we move on from here. Don't get me wrong, I am open to listening to other people and their dilemmas and I have nothing against Christians. It’s just that I have nothing else to believe in so this is what I believe in.
photo by: Sprengben[why not get a friend
God gave us free will. It's people's fault that the world is jacked up now. This wasn't part of the plan but it is the consequence of a couple of people. The Bible doesn't stop is from asking questions, I ask a ton of questions and there is always an answer. Like I said before, we were given free will, so God won't force you to do anything like getting baptized. It's just an act of obedience.
ReplyDeleteObedience to someone who is punishing me for somebody else's mistakes doesn't seem very logical to me. I don't think that someone who actually loves me would do that. And I don't think that God is like that. The Bible portrays God as a forgiving and loving God, but the Bible also shows that he is unfair and punishes the beings that HE created with Hell, death, unbearable pain etc. He has the power to do whatever it is he wants. So if he didn't want the world to be disfutional then he shouldn't have given us the power to make bad decisions. Thus making it his fault. That's why I don't believe what is in the Bible because it makes God look bad.
ReplyDeleteHell, death, and and unbearable pain wasn't part of his plan. It's all because of the stupid mistakes of some people. He gave us freedom to do anything we want and not be a bunch of slaves. He not only punishes us but he is constantly blessing us we are just to ungrateful to see it. We are expected to obey to our parents even though it seems unfair what they are doing.
ReplyDeleteWOW,How could you just stop believing in God? All I know is I'm going to pray for you ok!! Josue pray for her too.