Tuesday, December 13, 2011

FREE POST!!!!!!!

So we are doing a free post awesome I think. Well so we are so close to Christmas I want to  dedicate this Free Post to the homeless people, kids with cancer, and all the soldiers out there, and people who are need. Well I feel really bad for SOME homeless people (yes I said SOME because some of them are just lazy guys who don't want to work). I feel bad for them because I don't think most of them get any presents from Santa, and are cold and lonely in this holiday so sad. God bless the homeless and hope they do good this year.

 For the people who have cancer, and the soldiers I really hope u guys get better and go home safely. All the kids, babies, and old people with cancer hope you guys get what you want for Christmas. All the soldiers out there hopefully you guys get home to your family (and if they don't have a family then have a nice Christmas).

 I think Santa should have a heart  and take presents to all does people to stop being lazy and go to the homeless guys and give them food and sop (or at least someone should go to the most needed dresse as Santa).      

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