Tuesday, December 6, 2011

 We where talking about changing the way you are or look. I think is bad to get a plastic surgery. It could be wrong if it all goes bad. Some celebrities have plastic surgeries, like their boobs, noise, butt, and tummy tucks. If any of this surgeries go wrong it would be really nasty and you would look horrible.

 I know there's some girls that say the look ugly, and want to change the way the look, but if you change it your going to ruin your face. People shouldn't change what they look like just because what people say about them, i think that's dumb. God made you the way you are for one reason (I don't know the reason but it must be a good one). Also if you guys want to like you, they have to like you for who you are not for what you implant on you.    Also we humans are not perfect and are never satisfied with what we have. I think people are beautiful the way they are and don't need to change it.

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