Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Plastic Surgery

So.. a lot of celebrities have plastic surgery to fix some spots here and there right. In some cases these people have gone over board with some surgery. I don't really think surgery is that bad as along as you fix something you really need. For example, lets say some one were to get injured and they needed plastic surgery to fix that area, right. But why do you need surgery to make yourself look younger, or make your nose smaller or even bigger. I say just be happy with yourself, why change that and make people like you for your new body or face. People are supposed to like you for who you really are aren't they?


  1. Rhinoplasty is a nose surgery, often using the appropriate formation and the formation of the nose. Therefore, the nose is the nose. In this work, cosmetic surgery of the nose is the nose.

    nose surgery

  2. Not sure I follow the train of thought in that last comment.
