Imagine waking up in the morning to a nice hot breakfast just waiting for you in the kitchen. Sounds lovely right? Well, eating breakfast is very important. It fills you up until it is time for lunch. Most of all it helps your brain! Not eating breakfast causes loss of focus in morning activities. Eating helps with your metabolism. Not eating through the night slows down your metabolism, making it even slower if you do not eat breakfast.
Skipping breakfast can cause you to be grouchy, setting your day of like that isn't good at all. If you don't eat then your setting yourself up to consuming not nutritious foods. For example if you eat a nice breakfast with al food groups then you might skip that brownie for a snack, but instead have an apple. When you skip your most likely to crave a hamburger with fries later on.
Now, a lot of people think not eating breakfast will help lose weight. Not eating throught the night slows down your metabolism, making it even slower if you do not eat breakfast. People who eat breakfast in the morning have better chances at losing weight then people who don't. For what you don't eat your body replaces with water weight, so your still gaining but not by food.
Most people are on the go and don't have much time to make a big breakfast. DO NOT grab a doughnut or something sugary on the way to work, thinking it will help you move quickly. Eating like this will cause a sugar rush for a couple hours, then later on making you feel tired and crave something with even MORE sugar. F.Y.I. too much sugar is not good for your body. Too much could cause diabetes.
Some of my healthy food choices in the morning are: whole grain cereal with milk and orange juice. If there is enough time, a plate of pancakes, eggs, fruit, and sausage.
Come on guys, don't starve yourself, just one little thing like an apple can bring you to a nice, happy, healthy day. (:
Photo by: c.a.muller