I was surfing the web again guys!!! Looking for news on my husbands, Tyler The Creator and Trey Songz, when I discovered that Earl Sweatshirt isn't in that weird facility for drug users anymore!
So the whole FREE EARL movement is over because Earl IS free. He already has a new song that leaked called Home and he has a twitter too he's lookin for followers so here it is: @earlxsweat. :) I can't wait until a new mix tape comes out!!! I 'll put it on my birthday wish list!
"Odd future came up from the bottom and its gonna take a couple armed armies to try and stop them," and Tyler The Creator couldn't have said it any better.
Odd future has a new mix tape called OF Tape Vol.2 and the have a new show coming out called Loiter Squad which is coming out on March 25th. They seem to be doing the most the show is probably going to be obnoxious.... I'M SO EXCITED! They have previews for it so you can check that out and I put a link too it so it should be easy.
Photo By:AK
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