Nicki Minaj and Lil Wayne.....KISSING like serious tongue in front of her "boyfriend" and Lil Wayne supposedly has his own girlfriend. I don't even know what to think but EWWW!!! Lil Wayne looks so BUSTED and Nicki Minaj doesn't have a real bone in her body!!! I always had a feeling that Weezy and Nicki hooked up or something but i didn't think they were gonna be MACKIN full force on television let alone in public. On top of the fact that Nicki and weezy kissed they also tweeted about like it was nothing. You can't just make out with people and not have any feeling attached. they are gonna make some ugly babies I know that! It was bad enough that they're songs aren't as amazing as they used to be but this!.... This was a cry for help.
Photo by:eytonz and mathekr
Thats sad. Her boyfriend didn't even care! Personally I find Lil Wayne scary. Haha I've always been scared of him!