There is this dude his name is TYLER THE CREATOR I'm in love with him too. I think all his songs are amazing, unlike the crap you hear on the radio. Everyone thinks he's a devil worshiper but I think he just says that to scare people, and even if he was he doesn't go around screaming "you god worshipers," so who cares! If you don't like him because of that then DON'T LISTEN TO HIM. Anyways he makes these like really creepy songs about really creepy things but he is such an AMAZING rapper that it doesn't matter!!! If you've never heard great rapping before I would recommend TYLER THE CREATER OR OTHER MEMBERS OFF ODD FUTURE .
Free Earl :)
Photo by: mehan
So what specifically does he say that's so creepy? And why the devil worship accusations?
ReplyDeleteWell unlike most rappers who do the whole I"m being nice by saying "I apologize I don't recollect your name, but let me tell you that them heels really compliment your frame," Tyler the Creator raps about stalking females (which isn't OK but he doesn't actually do it, I hope). He doesn't do this all the time though because he has this song called "She" and this song called "Her" where he just wants to date the girl and get to know her. He just has a uncomfortable way of saying it. For example in his song "Her" he says "I know that she's the key to love, She is who I'm thinking of when I am beating Richard up, To mental images of her face look The closest that I got is when I'm poking her on Facebook Video chats are so exciting, Cause it's like she is inviting me to her world full of privacy, I'm getting gassed up, I think she's liking me." If a guy told me that I would be a little concerned about whether or not he was sane but I guess its kind of sweet.
DeleteThe whole devil worship thing is something that Tyler says to make critics mad, and it has obviously worked because there is this christian site that completely dissed him I was shocked! One of the reasons people thinks he worships the devil is because he is Atheist and proud. In his song "Goblin" he mentions how people think he is a devil worshiper but his birthday is march 6th 1991 or 3/6, and in the song he says "Oh, that's a triple three six, isn't he a devil worshiper Cause I'm too *bleep* ignorant to do some research?" So I think that pretty much told everybody that he isn't. I would put more but the comment is already long. I hope that answered your question.
The website for the christian diss is called- christwire.org just type in Tyler the creator in the search box.