There really are a lot of creeps that chase after innocent people but then again social networking isn't the reason why they started being like that. I think that social networking is just like wandering around your apartment complex, there are creeps and there are creeps on the internet. Instead of worrying about all the exposure you should be worrying about whether or not your next door neighbor is a sex offender. Just a thought.
Sometimes people need a little face book in their lives to pursue their careers. For example, if I decided that I wanted to be a rapper I would post videos to face book, you tube, and every other social network I could find because I know that famous people go on that crap and maybe they"ll see my video, love it, and BAM! my dream career as a rapper! :) happy days happy days.
All I'm saying is don't blame the website, blame the person who used the website too kill that kid or make someone's dreams come true.
Photo by:sajbrfem
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