Thursday, February 23, 2012

Gas Prices Have Gone Through The Roof;DD

Just about a few weeks ago the gas prices have gone through the roof. Now its four dollars a gallon!! that is so expensive and now they are saying it may go up even higher. Some people are saying that this may affect the re-election for Obama. It also may affect the people who have no job and no money to pay for gas. The reason why the gas prices are so high is because they are trying to invent "new energy". Some analysts are estimating that every cent that increases $1.4 billion are draining from the economy. So a lot of republicans are fitting back because they don't think it is far. An I don't either because everybody doesn't have a job and not a lot of people make money. Some cars also need a lot of gas.


  1. Terri, the prices went up to 5 dollars a gallon. can't believe my mom and dad when they talk about the gas only being like 99 cents back in the day! Isn't that just crazy?!

  2. The summer I started driving, I was able to find gas for around 90 cents! That obviously didn't last long, and I even remember complaining in college when gas was up around $1.50!
