What am I scared of??? I'm scared of bugs. One day I was sleeping (laying down) on my bed and saw the worst thing ever ( I don't even know how I saw it because it was really dark) a SPIDER. I strongly dislike spiders and flies and some other bugs. I was scared out of my mind when I saw that thing, but I didn't scream because everyone was asleep, but I wanted to kill it. Also I remember this other time I was about to go to sleep and something starts buzzing in my ear (worst feeling ever poor ear) I didn't even want to touch it so I covered my self. I also strongly dislike does bugs with a spiky thing as their tails that thing that look like scissor. I guess the only reason I dislike that scissor looking thing/bugs with a passion is because a long time ago one of them killed my hamster and I'm not letting that go. I'm scared of this bug things and more as you can see.
Well the funny thing is that while I'm scared of those little bugs I love reptiles like snakes, lizards, chameleon, crocodiles and I think turtles are reptiles to so I like this animals. I don't get it how most people are afraid of snakes they are so cute and they look cool when they hang on your neck. Lizards are somehow cool to some are weird looking and if you put it on my face when I'm not looking I will slap it and scream and hit you maybe ( I will only feel bad about the poor lizard that I hit). Chameleons are so cool mostly when they are little my cousin had one it was so green and soft I loved it now is big and greener. So I really want a reptile like a snake or chameleon I don't want a turtle because they die, and since I'm allergic to fur I want a snake but my mom is so scared of them.
photo by: me :)
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Mindless Behavior Once Again!!;DD
Oh my gosh I am talking about Mindless Behavior for like the fourth time. Did I every tell you guys that I love them so much? They are so freaking awesome, there music is awesome and there vocals are off the chain like for real for real (well at least thats what my friend says). You should like totally listen to there music just saying.
They are also very cute and they are around my age. But my favorite out of all of them is RocRoyal because he is so cute and funny. Well I never met them before but they post videos on youtube and they are hilarious. But Me and my friends really want to meet them because they are awesome, plus we are obsessed with them but I don't know why:)Some of my friends annoyed when I keep talking about them, but half the time I don't care.
They are also very cute and they are around my age. But my favorite out of all of them is RocRoyal because he is so cute and funny. Well I never met them before but they post videos on youtube and they are hilarious. But Me and my friends really want to meet them because they are awesome, plus we are obsessed with them but I don't know why:)Some of my friends annoyed when I keep talking about them, but half the time I don't care.
photo by:davidreidclausen
But when I do show them how they look then they get all obsessed, well sometimes. Well let me tell you about them: Prodigy is calm collected and sometimes is really funny.Princeton is funny and super cute but has his girly moments. RayRay is hilarious, baby cute and is a realy good dancer and last but not least is ROCROYAL!!he is so cute and funny and sweet and is a animal lover which is a plus for me. As you can see I really love them and so do some of my friends but not as much as me and my mb(mindless behavior) buddie.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Family Is Important
Family is a very important part of my life. If it had not been for my parents I would have never existed. I really think my brothers are really important. If it were not for my oldest "nerd " brother I probably wouldn't have ended where I am now with my classes and grades. I also think my smaller brothers have been a really important to me and I really am thankful for having such amazing brothers. Although they are three of them and all younger than me I still love them. Even though they might not know it I have actually have learned allot from them. An example is them getting annoying and always misbehaving and being little troublemakers that has taught me how to have more patience. Another example them teaching me something would be them being just themselves always and being proud of what they accomplish. I think that thanks to my parents being so strict and telling me what was right so far I succeeded in many of my goals. I specially love and thank my daddy for all his talks and long boring ,but helpful speeches he has given me about what is right and how to succeed in life.
Family is to Love
I love my family allot and thanks to my family I have learned right from wrong. I love all my family and I love my grandparents for loving me and being really sweet towards me. I also I love my nana and tata (mom's parents, my grandparents) because my tata even before he past away he taught me how to always stand up for what is right how to make my life easier. I love him and my nana because they were always caring and really good advisers I also love my nana for being there for me when I needed her and even though she is in mexico she always understood me for whenever I went to visit her. I also love all my cousins even though I have like 50 cousins I love them all.
My parents picture taken by my older brother
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ok so there is all this craziness about weed, pot, marijuana whatever you want to call it! People assume that the plant kills you or that you get addicted the first time you smoke it but I did some research and it turns out that EVERYONE WAS WRONG!!! Don't think that just because I'm making a blog post about weed means that I'm some type of pot head......BECAUSE I'M NOT!
I'm only making an innocent blog post for all those uneducated kids that I talk to. SO weed is honestly not bad for you.
These are some of things that don't occur when you smoke weed:
1. You don't suddenly become addicted (its possible to become addicted though)
2. You won't get cancer of the anything; In fact they treat certain cancer patients with marijuana.
3. People are all like "marijuana makes you sick and your throwing your life away." Those people are stupid and if you ask them why they will give you false facts.
So basically marijuana is something people smoke to relive stress or just to have a good time, kind of like how people get drunk(not that that's good or anything). I only brought you guys this post today because I felt that a little edumacation never hurt anyone. And I also wanted to prove a point and that's what I did. :) SEE YA!
Photo by: warrantedarrest
Friday, April 20, 2012

People just love to scapegoat even if they don't have to,but they still do it. I admit sometimes I scapegoat but what I hate the most about scapegoating is when people scapegoat on animals (especially dogs) because I am an animal lover and it's wrong to do that. When you scapegoat an animal your not just hurting that animal your hurting God's creatures! and thats just plain wrong.
I also hate when people scapegoat other people(especially if its a stupid reason). For example like when people trip somebody or hit somebody then they like blame the other person. I also hate when people scapegoat babies like really?!? its a baby for crying out load like who does that!
It also bothers me how the Nazi tried to blame the Jews for everything like how they have to much money and how there "taking over the world" like really one Jew can not take over the world and don't think they would try because a lot of Jews are into God. An thats how I feel about scapegoating.
People and Scapegoats
People blame other things and other people for things that are their fault. Like how I blame my baby brother for when i broke something, when the husband/ wife blames the wife/husband for their problem or when boys blame poor condoms for braking and yeah ect. I think that there hasn't been a person in the world that has ever blame someone else for something they did.
I hate it how parents are the ones who use scapegoats the most and guess who they blame the children, is like what did we ever do to you guys. Like I was walking and I hear this mom telling her daughter if your weren't born I would of finished school, I thought that was really mean. Also I wanted just to tell the mom don't blame your daughter for something you and your boyfriend did if you would of controlled yourself maybe you would of finished school, and you would of had your girl at the right age. I just wanted to tell her that but it wasn't my business and that lady should of controlled her hormones, my grandma once told me the guy will only go as far as the girl lets him unless his a rapist (she didn't say the rapist part though).
Other people that use scapegoats are young adults. I know this because I have used some. One scapegoat is "I was late to school because my mom/dad didn't wake up on time or didn't drive fast enough. I do have to admit I blame my parents for some things that happen because we aren't perfect. Most of the stuff I do I admit are my fault because I sometimes don't think straight.
Police even use scapegoats and I hate that because we can't do anything about it you know why because they are the authority. I saw this one thing on the news about how this cop killed a MEXICAN young man because he "was holding a gun and the young man was going to shoot them first". I think this is bull crap because they looked up the young man and he wasn't even gang related he was a good kid that just happened to be there at the wrong time. The police that shot him was already chasing some criminals. Also what I think is dumb is that now the police men that shot the guy is hiding but he sends his other police men to say that the young kid was treating him. So as you can see they to use a scapegoats.
photo by : G & A sattler
I hate it how parents are the ones who use scapegoats the most and guess who they blame the children, is like what did we ever do to you guys. Like I was walking and I hear this mom telling her daughter if your weren't born I would of finished school, I thought that was really mean. Also I wanted just to tell the mom don't blame your daughter for something you and your boyfriend did if you would of controlled yourself maybe you would of finished school, and you would of had your girl at the right age. I just wanted to tell her that but it wasn't my business and that lady should of controlled her hormones, my grandma once told me the guy will only go as far as the girl lets him unless his a rapist (she didn't say the rapist part though).
Other people that use scapegoats are young adults. I know this because I have used some. One scapegoat is "I was late to school because my mom/dad didn't wake up on time or didn't drive fast enough. I do have to admit I blame my parents for some things that happen because we aren't perfect. Most of the stuff I do I admit are my fault because I sometimes don't think straight.
Police even use scapegoats and I hate that because we can't do anything about it you know why because they are the authority. I saw this one thing on the news about how this cop killed a MEXICAN young man because he "was holding a gun and the young man was going to shoot them first". I think this is bull crap because they looked up the young man and he wasn't even gang related he was a good kid that just happened to be there at the wrong time. The police that shot him was already chasing some criminals. Also what I think is dumb is that now the police men that shot the guy is hiding but he sends his other police men to say that the young kid was treating him. So as you can see they to use a scapegoats.
photo by : G & A sattler
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Disturbing things"!!!!! >:/
Something disturbing well I don't know there is a lot of things that are disturbing so I'm going to talk bout that. Something that disturbs me is people bugging you bout one thing after you tell them to leave you alone. Another thing that disturbs me is people that are all up in your face like really no.
I think is so disturbing when people are just to close to you and mostly if is your own gender and your not cool with them. Like some girl was all up in my face talking bout this other girl all I could think is she needs mints, she better get away, and I am going to punch her (to bad she was my far away cousin and she was younger). I feel is really disturbing how some people do that is like I need my space. Is so annoying to me how they just cross my invisible air bubble.
I think is so disturbing when people are just to close to you and mostly if is your own gender and your not cool with them. Like some girl was all up in my face talking bout this other girl all I could think is she needs mints, she better get away, and I am going to punch her (to bad she was my far away cousin and she was younger). I feel is really disturbing how some people do that is like I need my space. Is so annoying to me how they just cross my invisible air bubble.

People(mostly adults) assume that during a Mother-Daughter argument the daughter is ALWAYS to blame. They say " Oh its because she's moody," or "She thinks she knows everything!"
I know that I don't know everything and SOCIETY NEEDS TO STOP BLAMING FEMALE OUTBURSTS AND DECISIONS ON HORMONES. Its sexist and rude! I have TOTAL control over my emotions that's why I don't cry in public!
I'm the youngest of 6 on my biological father's side AND I'm the only child on my biological mother's side, so I get the majority of the attention. That's why my arguments are a lot more intense. Getting in any type of "fight" or "argument" with a girl will scar you for the rest of your life, so I wouldn't recommend having one. Now two girls going head to head is something that you should steer clear of! I know from my own personal experiences that we can hold grudges for days and we say the most hurtful things you can think of.
I guess our hormones are something that kind of set us off but I also believe that its a territorial thing as well. Kind of like cats how they always seem like they want to snuggle and rip your eyes out at the same time. Most arguments with Mothers and daughters are about things like clothes, parties, boys, what kind of friends they hang out with, "you don't understand me," etc. Most of time its over stupid stuff and you end up getting over it the next day. Honestly all we want is to be heard and we feel like the other person is just trying to disagree just because it makes them happy.
Women are evil, manipulative, beasts and life would be SOO simple without us. which brings me to the main point of this post: Us daughters haven't gotten all of our manipulative wings yet so its ALWAYS the mothers fault. I mean that's what the said, "do this because I'm your mother," What they really mean is, "If you even try to disobey me I will hurt you in ways you wouldn't understand and then call it a punishment that will supposedly help you in life!" Its really quiet simple:
Mom: You're not wearing that to school are you?
Daughter: Yes I am, what is it ask my daughter sarcastic questions day?
Mom: I don't like the tone your using!
daughter: What tone? Your the one sitting here yelling at me for no reason!
Mom: That's it go change your clothes and you can walk to school today.
Daughter: Why can't you just take me? I'm busy. (evil smirk)
The problem with this conversation is the mom should have just been like "go change" but instead she instigates the argument. If mothers just watched what they were saying instead of accusing their children of having this so called "tone" Earth would stop having eclipses'. JUST SAYING!!! So before you go off trying blame your daughter for a fight you started, why don't you just MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS AND LEAVE US ALONE???!!!!
Photo by: gxdoyle
What to believe in "!!!!
What do I believe in? Well I don't really know what I believe in but I guess I believe in hope. Hope is one thing I could say most people believe in. Hope could be the only thing us humans have beside death. Hope is something that has been alive for centuries. I believe in this thing called Hope, hope is what keeps most people going in life. It doesn't matter if is false hope but somehow it makes people happy and it makes me happy to.
In hard times in life like for example if one of your family members is sick all you can do is hope they get well. So this is why I believe in hope is the thing that keeps us from thinking bad stuff (well that happens to me). Hope is valuable and may go away but it is still in the air. I believe hope is one thing that low key keeps us going in life.
In hard times in life like for example if one of your family members is sick all you can do is hope they get well. So this is why I believe in hope is the thing that keeps us from thinking bad stuff (well that happens to me). Hope is valuable and may go away but it is still in the air. I believe hope is one thing that low key keeps us going in life.
Who is it to Blame for Drug Wars in Mexico
Blame isn't all to the cartel's or the drug lords. Everybody thinks it's the cartels alone but it isn't, who also is to blame is the corrupt cops and government officials. I found this out because i was reading an article and they captured a drug lord from the Juarez Cartel. He said that he was a police officer once before but he got bribed in 2004. " Acosta, who was himself an officer with the Chihuahua state police before he was recruited by the gang in 2004". He also said that officers and government officials would give them information, they give them information about were there was police check points, and military check points, they would also tell them were soldiers would be at. "“[They were telling us] where there were checkpoints, where federal or soldier units were located and even the [location] of ministerial and municipal police,” Acosta said about the government help" Another kind of information they would give them was who was informing or getting bribed by rival cartel, and when they find that person they would get killed. "The suspected gang leader also admits responsibility for the deaths of hundreds of individuals in Ciudad Juárez and the city of Chihuahua. Most of the victims were suspected of working with the Sinaloa cartel. As you see some people are using just the cartels as a scapegoat but it's not all them doing these things.
Teen Mothers..

~The School?
Parents complain about how it is the schools fault for their daughter's pregnancy, because of how they educate students on sex. When my mom was in school, the school actually handed out birth-control and condoms, saying if they ever do have intercourse to be safe. Now I think since that school had a DAYCARE, they would know a thing or two about teen pregnancy. If schools are trying to educate teens on the effects of having intercourse, then isn't that helping them from making the right choice of not to do it at all?
Parents shouldn't blame the schools! Schools are actually helping, if they didn't educate them on the effects, warn them, or even pass out pregnancy prevention items, then those kids with raging hormones would have a more likely chance to have kids themselves.
~The Parents?
My Grandparents NEVER gave my mother "The Talk". You know that long talk about what could happen if you decided to have intercourse. They just avoided the whole situation all together! All they said was "Don't have sex". Well that helps, what do kids want to do when their parent says "No"? GO ON AND DO IT ANYWAY! When parents don't have a real conversation on the subject it's only leading them to go off and try anyway. My mother now shows me all these gross diseases that people could get if they have sexual relations. People blame the parents for not informing them what could happen if they even try once, but parents can also help by scaring them into not doing it.
~The Teen?
Now, here is the real person to blame. THE TEEN THEM SELF! They are the ones who physically had sex. It was their decision to try it or do it. Now, if the girl had gotten raped that is a different story, but we aren't discussing in this case. Well, teens could get pressured into doing it. So? Its called saying "No". Girls if your not ready, and he says he will leave you, then he doesn't love you. He loves your goodies. Teens make that one decision, no one is forcing them. The parent isn't making them, nor is the school. I mean think about it.
*Quick Message
Girls, if he says he loves you, but can't be your boyfriend because you wont give it up, He.Does.Not.Love.YOU. He loves your goodies. Make the right choice. It only takes once, and if you end up pregnant, that is 18 years of having fun, gone.
Wait Until Your Really Ready..
Photo By: lunar caustic
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Mexicans and Drugs
Many Mexicans are mostly blamed of selling drugs and buying drugs. As you may know sometimes it just becomes easier to blame a certain race for something they might be known for. Although many people of a race might be bad not everyone is or has to be. I disagree with all those people who just blame the Mexicans. I believe this because as you may know not everyone is perfect and we all need to accept our wrong decisions we make and take responsibility for our actions.
Mexicans and Killings
Mexicans are not the only ones who kill people. Many deaths occurred in the U.S during the 21st century and some people just for being racist they would blame the Mexicans. Did you also know that this is another example of scapegoating blaming people unfairly.
Mexicans and Gangs
Most Mexicans are usually the first type of people that are unfairly blamed for all the many gangs. Not many people know apparently or do know but try to ignore it, that Mexicans are not the only people who are all about gangs. This shows that many Mexicans are blamed unfairly for something not done by them alone. I have now reconfirmed my opinion on who is blamed unfairly many times.
photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/merfam/114439067/sizes/s/in/photostream/
photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/merfam/114439067/sizes/s/in/photostream/
Photo by: I-on
Why is it that many people especially most "grown ups" use children as scapegoats. For example when a "grown up" comes late to work and their boss asks,"why are you late for work?" Most say "Uhhh.. I was busy dropping my kid off at school." Or "My kid didn't feel good so I stayed a while." Stop using your kids as scapegoats just admit to the things you have done and everything will be fine. It's not all the kids fault.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Annoying Soccer Fans
The thing that I hate the most is the annoying soccer moms who watch there kids play. I hate this because you'll be playing and you hear the teams mom saying stuff. Like you'll go for the ball and burly touch there son they'll be like watch out billy because that kid plays dirty. Also if your winning and the goalie goes up and tries to score they'll be like stay up there goalie. I especially hate when for any little thing they say something like if you accidental drop there son they will be like get that kid out of there referee.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Sumo wrestlers
Have you ever seen a sumo wrestler now that's disturbing . Sumo is a disturbing sport itself because it contains fat guys fighting. Technically the whole point is to make the other opponent go out the circular ring. In this sport you need two sumo wrestlers that have to be dressed in a certain type of cotton robe.
Sumo Wrestlers and their Outfits
Sumo wrestlers are disturbing looking because their outfits are worn within in different ranks . Like Rikishi in Jonian and below are allowed to wear only a thin cotton robe called a Yukata. Wrestlers in the Makushita and Sandanme divisions can wear a form of a traditional short overcoat over their Yukata and are allowed to wear straw sandals called Zori. The higher ranked Sekitori can wear silk robes of their own choice and the quality of the garb is scientifically improved.
Sumo Wrestlers and their Size
Unfortunately sumo wrestlers have to weight a specific amount of weight to be a sumo wrestler which is so disturbing because nobody would want to see so much fatness on a person because really that just is not right. Sumo wrestlers are kind of weird in my opinion because of how they are so fat but like still wear those little robes.
Sumo Wrestlers and their Eating Habits
Sumo wrestlers have to eat allot to maintain their big shape which I find disturbing because really how could you fit so much food inside a humans body. Did you know that sumo wrestlers skip breakfast but eat allot during lunch time? They usually have to eat food like coked stew, fish, and meat.
Well lastly my point is sumo wrestlers are disturbing.
Disturbing Pizza
You might all remember the past event that happend just a few years ago. The event was about two workers of a Domino's pizzza place where, the workers apperantly stuck food up there nose and than after stuffed them in the customers orders. To me that very disgusting and it makes me want to NEVER buy Dominos Pizza ever again. SO its a good thing those workers where fired and sent off to jail for a while for what they did. Just imagine being the customer who ate that pizza or food, would'nt you be very disguste, who wouldn't.
I Absolutely Hate Amber Rose.

"Why Kimana hate is such a strong word though!........"
WELL THAT'S WHY I USED IT!!!! I'm not even sure if its just Amber Rose, it might just be the whole concept of people being famous for flaunting their bodies to everyone and dating a "talented" person. Then again Amber Rose's current spouse (although I still love him) is everything BUT talented! This man spends his free time with an ancient artifact, otherwise known as Snoop dogg , making songs about "Living young wild and free!" (See the problem with that?). I could go on and about how terrible this guy is at rapping but I won't, I much rather trash talk his Fiancee instead. Have you seen this Woman's Wikipedia page its has, true fact, a total of FOUR COMPLETE SENTENCES total on it (if you type in Amber Rose's career you'll see). HOW EMBARRASING IS THAT?? I honestly didn't know that until I started typing this.
Anyways I've been seeing her a lot lately, Its usually on those crappy "Smirnoff" commercials. This lady makes me sick. "Look at me I'm on a Smirnoff commercial, marrying Wiz Kahlifa, and crying during interviews about Kanye West (former boyfriend); All while not really having a job. ;) Its okay though because no one can get past my bald head and squeaky voice. You wanna know why? Cause I'm Amber Rose Revah!" Ughhh I could just slap her with baby powder!!!!
This girl's twitter caused the nastiest facial expression I've ever made. I wish I had the chance to meet her so I could tell her how stupid she is. I must admit, I don't even now her and I'm going on this crazy rampage! But if me and her were really close friends I would tell her she is making some teenager really ticked off by not having any talent. Good thing she can take pictures. If I don't get off the computer soon I'm gong to get arrested for Over Dosing on trash talk. See ya guys later! :)
photo by:Beacon Radio
Women Disturb Me !

I have absolutely nothing against women, but just a few minor things. Okay, maybe not minor..... I just have a few things I need to get off my chest. *Clears Throat*....
-Please Stop STARING!
You know if you want to look at someone very carefully, or study them, TAKE A PICTURE! My family and I would be walking around the mall and BOOM, a hundred stares get shot at my mother! I know my mother is a beautiful Caucasian woman, and my father is a handsome African-American man, but that does not give you the right to stare so hard at my mother! If your going to look at least be polite about it, instead of throwing the "stank face". I have nothing against African-American women, but they are the ones who throw the look at her the most! I mean come on have you stopped to think they are actually in love? I'm only being honest.Are women really that horrible? Shoot your attitude somewhere else.
-The Whisper
Oh, how I LOVE the whisper! When a pretty girl walks by....*lean*....*whisper*. They aren't only looking, but saying words too! This especially happens when we go out. We have a mixed family, YES I have two other siblings that are darker, I don't need that pointed out! OH! One day I was at my little brother's school with my dad, I walk out of the office with my dad, ALL EYES WERE STARING AT ME! Then.... The Whisper. Stop It! It really isn't cute and if your jealous of someone keep it to yourself your not only making her stronger, but your making your self look "Un-lady like".
- The Fake Friend
Most girls do this. They will be there for you when your down, but when your doing good they won't be there. This also leads back to jealousy... On that note, if your going to be there for the bad might as-well be there for the good right? This irritates me a lot too, when a girl see that another girl is happy, she stabs 3,000,000 knives in her back! I honestly don't like fake people, but girls are the worst! They do not know how to keep their pretty little lips shut!
If I tell you something don't out my business out there in the open, and that is why I never trusted girls...or people.
-Other Things Girls Do Or Say That Are Disturbing
~Get all fluffy for the guy they like then when they are together, she becomes a complete pig
~Complain about ..... in public
~Blaming their.... for bad attitudes
~Complain in general !
~Make us nice girls look bad by exposing their goodies
I have went through a lot of friend-girls in my short time of living. In my opinion, girls are the most horrible creatures EVER made. Sometimes I wish I can go a day with out whispers, stares, or DRAMA!
P.S. Ladies I'm a lady, YOU CANT GET OFFENDED. I'm doing you a favor (: <3
Photo By: ~byluluka
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Unwritten Rules of Soccer
Rule #1:
The number one written rule of soccer is if you slide talk somebody the wrong way there gonna get you back worse.
Rule #2:
If do bodies on somebody there gonna get mad or pus you back.
Rule #3:
If you hit somebody bad and hard it's gonna end up in a big fight.
Rule #4:
IF you blast the ball hard on the teams teammate it will also end up on
Rule #5 If your goalie and you come out wrong and hit the other player it will end up in a fight.
The number one written rule of soccer is if you slide talk somebody the wrong way there gonna get you back worse.
Rule #2:
If do bodies on somebody there gonna get mad or pus you back.
Rule #3:
If you hit somebody bad and hard it's gonna end up in a big fight.
Rule #4:
IF you blast the ball hard on the teams teammate it will also end up on
Rule #5 If your goalie and you come out wrong and hit the other player it will end up in a fight.
Friday, April 6, 2012
unwritten rules of friendship"!!!
photo by: mi :)
So I didn't know what to write about until Ms. K gave me a idea of friendship. So I'm going to write about the unwritten rules of friendship. Friendship is a really big deal to me I try to be a good friend and all and I would like it if my friends are good to me.
-First rule is don't talk behind a friends back.
This is a important rule because by talking behind your friends back would ruin your whole friendship. Also talking behind a FRIENDS back is being FAKE to them and keep this in mind someone would here you and tell them, always happens. I think if you really are friends why are you talking smack.
- Second rule, is to not take your friends boy friend.
The worst thing to do is take their boyfriend or go out with him while your best friend still has feelings for them.
-Third and last rule is always be there for them.
This is an important rule because everyone know that being there for when a friend needs you shows you're a really good friend. Being there for them shows how much you care for them, and makes you a better friend.
So I didn't know what to write about until Ms. K gave me a idea of friendship. So I'm going to write about the unwritten rules of friendship. Friendship is a really big deal to me I try to be a good friend and all and I would like it if my friends are good to me.
-First rule is don't talk behind a friends back.
This is a important rule because by talking behind your friends back would ruin your whole friendship. Also talking behind a FRIENDS back is being FAKE to them and keep this in mind someone would here you and tell them, always happens. I think if you really are friends why are you talking smack.
- Second rule, is to not take your friends boy friend.
The worst thing to do is take their boyfriend or go out with him while your best friend still has feelings for them.
-Third and last rule is always be there for them.
This is an important rule because everyone know that being there for when a friend needs you shows you're a really good friend. Being there for them shows how much you care for them, and makes you a better friend.
Unwritten Rules of Mindless Behavior;DD

If you talk about mindless behavior then your not a true mindless fan!!
If you talk about mindless behavior then your not a true fan because your suppose to support them and the things they do even if you don't like the decisions they make. You also aren't suppose to talk about them because of all you don't even know them. An sometimes you shouldn't even say anything.
You shouldn't stalk them!!
A reason why you shouldn't stalk mindless behavior because when you meet them your already going to know everything about them and they may be a little freaked out! Another reason why you shouldn't stalk them is because its just plain weird, I mean you can be obsessed like me but don't be a stalker, they are just normal people like us just way cuter.
The reason why you shouldn't say anything embarrassing around them because they probably will never want to meet you again. But then at the same time they probably will think it is cute unless it is really really weird. An those are the unwritten rules of mindless behavior;DD
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Unwritten Rules

I've been the bigger sibling since the day I born, and trust me it is not an easy task. I have many more responsibilities and growing up to do then anyone one else in the house. A few of my unwritten rules of being an older child are simple to see, but I doubt any of my smaller siblings will know them.
-Learn How To Keep Your Mouth Shut
This rule is the most important! there are somethings that the younger kids cant handle to know about so you can say one word. Keep Secrets, especially if it has to do with family or presents. Older siblings are supposed to know everything that goes on in the house , but they cant blurt them out to the little ones.
-Be A Little Parent
No, I am not saying to spank your little brother or sister if they do wrong. Teach them lessons, help them see from what is right from wrong. When the real parents are out don't have them run the house, be in control, but not overly controlling. For example don't get mad if they say "No" to you telling them to clean your room. Instead have them do their work first and play later. Even them out, maybe treat THEM every once in a while.
-Know When Somethings Wrong And What To Do About It
When the parents are having an argument find a place to put the children while the parents do their business. Maybe distract them from all of the news by having an activity in your room. If your baby sibling comes up to you with a sad face, don't turn your back on them, ask whats wrong. If their mad because Mommy said they cant have something THEN explain to them that Mommy said "No" if the cry DO NOT YELL! Instead go get an ADULT of the house to handle the situation.
-Always Be There For Your Family/Be Strong
As the older kid sometimes things get ruff, you only have one family whether you like them or not. If someones in need the least you can do is talk to them, support them, or help them out. As life gets tougher and tougher you have to get stronger each and everyday, no giving up. If you give up, or you don't treat your family right, think about who's looking up to you. The little ones. If you don't treat your family right and they see that guess who going to disrespect them next when your out the house. Keep everyone together.
-Love Unconditionally
This rule is self explanatory. Love, love, love, love, LOVE ! Even if its annoying you gotta do it. Love until you die ! Family always comes first.
You might hate being big sis or brother, but in the end its worth the life. Remember your the role-model and the helper. Play Your Part .
Photo By : vvola
The Unwritten Rules Of Carne Asada
There is no rules that states how you should eat carne asada. As much as you research you will not find anywhere how carne asada should have a specific type of tortillas. Another rule not stated anywhere would be the rule of eating carne asada with frijoles and arroz. My last unwritten rule is the one where it states about vegetables with carne asada.
Tortillas and Carne Asada
From my research I did not find anywhere that stated wether to use tortilllas de harina or tortillas de maiz. If you really look you will most likely find many people who have different opinions about wether to use a specific type of tortilla for carne asada. As you may know not many people like to be proven wrong but if they tell you something just tell them that there is not a rule written about it.Frijoles and Arroz with Carne Asada
There is no rule that states that you should'nt eat carne asada with frijoles and arroz.If you want to eat it with any type of frijoles you could or any type of arroz you may because it does not state anywhere you can't.it never states if you have to eat them inside the taco or outside of it and you could always fix the frijoles and arroz any way you want.
Salsa with Carne Asada
What type of salsa should you use for your carne asada? Well there is no written rule that states you should use a specific one. You could also be able to prepare any type of salsa with nobody telling you what salsa to use and if you do get told that just tell them it is not written anywhere.
If you look in any book you want you will not see any statement that will state that it is not allowed.
so gohead and search if you don't find it then there you go.
photo credit
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Unwritten Rules Of Buying Dogs
Photo by:www.petian.net
The unwritten rules of buying a dog are quite simple and not so hard to understand.
One rule for example is to always make sure your dogs documents are real,or that they have correct information.
Second of all make sure your the person or store your buying your dog from has some sort of lisence or proof that what they are saying is true. Also make sure your dogs vaccination records are real and are up to date.
Random Unwritten Rules

There are these things, that are rules, that aren't necessarily written. For example when I went to D.C. to visit my Auntie Toya, they had this rule for escalators. The rule was if you are going down or up an escalator you have to stand on the right side that way if anybody is rushing the they can easily get past you. I was freaking out because I didn't know that and old people kept giving me dirty looks! It was super weird, probably because I'm so used to rude people. Anyways out here in California the unwritten rules aren't that strange:
Unwritten Fighting Rules:
-pulling hair( coward move)
-scratching(coward move)
- the smaller person, even if they get beat up, gets the most supporters.
- if someone calls you out or disrespects you and when you ask them they lie........YOU HAVE TO BEAT THEM UP!
Unwritten public rules:
- you can't talk about another person when they are in hearing range.
- don't draw any type of attention to yourself(supposedly its obnoxious).
- "normal people" don't walk around singing like your in a musical
That's just a little taste of some unwritten rules. There are plenty of others, but I can't think of them right now so your going to have to humiliate yourself. TTFN!
photo by:trentoche
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