Sunday, April 29, 2012

Extra Credit: What Are You Scared of"!!!

What am I scared of??? I'm scared of bugs. One day I was sleeping (laying down) on my bed and saw the worst thing ever ( I don't even know how I saw it because it was really dark) a SPIDER. I strongly dislike spiders and flies and some other bugs. I was scared out of my mind when I saw that thing, but I didn't scream because everyone was asleep, but I wanted to kill it. Also I remember this other time I was about to go to sleep and something starts buzzing in my ear (worst feeling ever poor ear) I didn't even want to touch it so I covered my self. I also strongly dislike does bugs with a spiky thing as their tails that thing that look like scissor. I guess the only reason I dislike that scissor looking thing/bugs  with a passion is because a long time ago one of them killed my hamster and I'm not letting that go. I'm scared of this bug things and more as you can see.

Well the funny thing is that while I'm scared of those little bugs I love reptiles like snakes, lizards, chameleon, crocodiles and I think turtles are reptiles to so I like this animals. I don't get it how most people are afraid of snakes they are so cute and they look cool when they hang on your neck. Lizards are somehow cool to some are weird looking and if you put it on my face when I'm not looking I will slap it and scream and hit you maybe ( I will only feel bad about the poor lizard that I hit). Chameleons are so cool mostly when they are little my cousin had one it was so green and soft I loved it now is big and greener. So I really want a reptile like a snake or chameleon I don't want a turtle because they die, and since I'm allergic to fur I want a snake but my mom is so scared of them.

photo by: me :)


  1. Nice job sticking with this post. Is the chameleon your cousin had?

    1. Yea this is their chameleon, but it's bigger now.
