Friday, April 20, 2012

People and Scapegoats

People blame other things and other people for things that are their fault. Like how I blame my baby brother for when i broke something, when the husband/ wife blames the wife/husband for their problem or when boys blame poor condoms for braking and yeah ect. I think that there hasn't been a person in the world that has ever blame someone else for something they did.

I hate it how parents are the ones who use scapegoats the most and guess who they blame the children, is like what did we ever do to you guys. Like I was walking and I hear this mom telling her daughter if your weren't born I would of finished school, I thought that was really mean. Also I wanted just to tell the mom don't blame your daughter for something you and your boyfriend did if you would of controlled yourself maybe you would of finished school, and you would of had your girl at the right age. I just wanted to tell her that but it wasn't my business and that lady should of controlled her hormones, my grandma once told me the guy will only go as far as the girl lets him unless his a rapist (she didn't say the rapist part though). 

Other people that use scapegoats are young adults. I know this because I have used some. One scapegoat is "I was late to school because my mom/dad didn't wake up on time or didn't drive fast enough. I do have to admit I blame my parents for some things that happen because we aren't perfect.  Most of the stuff I do I admit are my fault because I sometimes don't think straight.

Police even use scapegoats and I hate that because we can't do anything about it you know why because they are the authority. I saw this one thing on the news about how this cop killed a MEXICAN young man  because he "was holding a gun and the young man was going to shoot them first". I think this is bull crap because they looked up the young man and he wasn't even gang related he was a good kid that just happened to be there at the wrong time. The police that shot him was already chasing some criminals. Also what I think is dumb is that now the police men that shot the guy is hiding but he sends his other police men to say that the young kid was treating him. So as you can see they to use a scapegoats.

photo by : G & A sattler

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