Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mexicans during the 21st Century an example Scapegoating
Mexicans and Drugs
Many Mexicans are mostly blamed of selling drugs and buying drugs. As you may know sometimes it just becomes easier to blame a certain race for something they might be known for. Although many people of a race might be bad not everyone is or has to be. I disagree with all those people who just blame the Mexicans. I believe this because as you may know not everyone is perfect and we all need to accept our wrong decisions we make and take responsibility for our actions.
Mexicans and Killings
Mexicans are not the only ones who kill people. Many deaths occurred in the U.S during the 21st century and some people just for being racist they would blame the Mexicans. Did you also know that this is another example of scapegoating blaming people unfairly.
Mexicans and Gangs
Most Mexicans are usually the first type of people that are unfairly blamed for all the many gangs. Not many people know apparently or do know but try to ignore it, that Mexicans are not the only people who are all about gangs. This shows that many Mexicans are blamed unfairly for something not done by them alone. I have now reconfirmed my opinion on who is blamed unfairly many times.


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