Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Family 
Family Is Important
Family is a very important part of my life. If it had not been for my parents I would have never existed. I really think my brothers are really important. If it were not for my oldest "nerd " brother I probably wouldn't have ended where I am now with my classes and grades. I also think my smaller brothers have been a really important to me and I really am thankful for having such amazing brothers. Although they are three of them and all younger than me I still love them. Even though they might not know it I have actually have learned allot from them. An example is them getting annoying and always misbehaving and being little troublemakers that has taught me how to have more patience. Another example them teaching me something would be them being just themselves always and being proud of what they accomplish. I think that thanks to my parents being so strict and telling me what was right so far I succeeded in many of my goals. I specially love and thank my daddy  for all his talks and long boring ,but helpful speeches he has given me about what is right and how to succeed in life. 
Family is to Love 
I love my family allot and thanks to my family I have learned right from wrong. I love all my family and I love my grandparents for loving me and being really sweet towards me. I also I love my nana and tata (mom's parents, my grandparents) because my tata even before he past away he taught me how to always stand up for what is right how to make my life easier. I love him and my nana because they were always caring and really good advisers I also love my nana for being there for me when I needed her and even though she is in mexico she always understood me for whenever I went to visit her. I also love all my cousins even though I have like 50 cousins I love them all.

My parents picture taken by my older brother 

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