They are also very cute and they are around my age. But my favorite out of all of them is RocRoyal because he is so cute and funny. Well I never met them before but they post videos on youtube and they are hilarious. But Me and my friends really want to meet them because they are awesome, plus we are obsessed with them but I don't know why:)Some of my friends annoyed when I keep talking about them, but half the time I don't care.
photo by:davidreidclausen
But when I do show them how they look then they get all obsessed, well sometimes. Well let me tell you about them: Prodigy is calm collected and sometimes is really funny.Princeton is funny and super cute but has his girly moments. RayRay is hilarious, baby cute and is a realy good dancer and last but not least is ROCROYAL!!he is so cute and funny and sweet and is a animal lover which is a plus for me. As you can see I really love them and so do some of my friends but not as much as me and my mb(mindless behavior) buddie.

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