People(mostly adults) assume that during a Mother-Daughter argument the daughter is ALWAYS to blame. They say " Oh its because she's moody," or "She thinks she knows everything!"
I know that I don't know everything and SOCIETY NEEDS TO STOP BLAMING FEMALE OUTBURSTS AND DECISIONS ON HORMONES. Its sexist and rude! I have TOTAL control over my emotions that's why I don't cry in public!
I'm the youngest of 6 on my biological father's side AND I'm the only child on my biological mother's side, so I get the majority of the attention. That's why my arguments are a lot more intense. Getting in any type of "fight" or "argument" with a girl will scar you for the rest of your life, so I wouldn't recommend having one. Now two girls going head to head is something that you should steer clear of! I know from my own personal experiences that we can hold grudges for days and we say the most hurtful things you can think of.
I guess our hormones are something that kind of set us off but I also believe that its a territorial thing as well. Kind of like cats how they always seem like they want to snuggle and rip your eyes out at the same time. Most arguments with Mothers and daughters are about things like clothes, parties, boys, what kind of friends they hang out with, "you don't understand me," etc. Most of time its over stupid stuff and you end up getting over it the next day. Honestly all we want is to be heard and we feel like the other person is just trying to disagree just because it makes them happy.
Women are evil, manipulative, beasts and life would be SOO simple without us. which brings me to the main point of this post: Us daughters haven't gotten all of our manipulative wings yet so its ALWAYS the mothers fault. I mean that's what the said, "do this because I'm your mother," What they really mean is, "If you even try to disobey me I will hurt you in ways you wouldn't understand and then call it a punishment that will supposedly help you in life!" Its really quiet simple:
Mom: You're not wearing that to school are you?
Daughter: Yes I am, what is it ask my daughter sarcastic questions day?
Mom: I don't like the tone your using!
daughter: What tone? Your the one sitting here yelling at me for no reason!
Mom: That's it go change your clothes and you can walk to school today.
Daughter: Why can't you just take me? I'm busy. (evil smirk)
The problem with this conversation is the mom should have just been like "go change" but instead she instigates the argument. If mothers just watched what they were saying instead of accusing their children of having this so called "tone" Earth would stop having eclipses'. JUST SAYING!!! So before you go off trying blame your daughter for a fight you started, why don't you just MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS AND LEAVE US ALONE???!!!!
Photo by: gxdoyle
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